Arc 1: Chapter Nine

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I know that that was too much the last time you saw me
And I don't blame you for getting over everything so easy
But I just can't seem to figure you out
You got that mystery
Good God, how kiss me
Didn't think it'd be distress galore
Thought I just wanted you there
Wish your hands in my hair
But I craved more

Elizabeth flutters her eyes open. Her mind drifts to last night's previous adventures and her eyes look to the other side of the bed. It was empty, which was probably a good thing since she'd be too embarrassed to face him.

She climbs out the bed, and as soon as her foot hits the floor she's met with an ache. Her legs hurt. Pretty bad.

She ignores the ache and waddles to the shower, turning it on hot before jumping in. As soon as she's finished she grabs a towel and gets out.

She heads back into the room to see Meliodas sitting in a chair. As soon as he notices her he smiles.

"I brought you breakfast. And starbucks," he says taking a sip from his own drink. "There's also clothes for you on the bed," he adds.

She goes to the bed, and just as he said, there's a pair of leggings and a shirt. However, she pouts, a blush spreading on her cheeks.

"What's wrong?" He asks.


"Don't lie," he says.

"Well...I was wondering if I could wear...your hoodie." She states.

Meliodas smiles nonetheless and nods.

"How'd you know my size?" Elizabeth asks him as she puts on the leggings that fit perfectly.

"I have my ways," he states.

After that Elizabeth gets dressed before going to eat breakfast with him, which was eggs, two pancakes, bacon, and hashbrowns.

"Why'd you only eat the eggs?" Meliodas asks her.

Elizabeth freezes. She couldn't tell him that if she gained even one pound that her mother would make her starve herself. She wanted her to stay fit, and also become a great model.

"I'm...on a diet." She lies, and it was evident in her voice.

"Your moms not here right now..." he says shoving a bite of pancake into her mouth. He then makes her eat everything else on her plate, also making sure that she was full.

After their done Elizabeth fishes for her phone, and that's when she sees the 56 missed calls from her mother.

"Shit," she curses, calling her back. Anastasia picks up almost immediately.

"Wow thanks for finally picking up."

Elizabeth stays silent. Atleast she wasn't dealing with this in person.

"Care to explain to me why you decided to miss your curfew? Not only that? We're have you been? It's 11 am. You have a photo shoot in an hour,"

Elizabeth timids up. She couldn't lie, that was one of her downfalls.

"I...I've been busy. I'll be there in two hours. See you then!" She says doing the most daring thing she's ever done, and that's hang up.

Elizabeth turns to Meliodas. "We have to go, now." She says standing up.

He nods and they check out before heading to his car.

The drive back to her house was pretty silent, mostly because Elizabeth was so scared about the punishment that was awaiting her at home.

"I'll see you at school Princess, let's hope our next date is as eventful as this one," he says.

Elizabeth nods, her face just a bit flushed. "I'll see you then!" She waves.

She breathes a deep breath, and knocks on the door. One of the maids open it, and there sat her mother on the couch. She was awaiting her death.

"Nice of you to finally be home," Anastasia smiles. Elizabeth had no idea if it was good or bad.

Her mom stands up, looking her up and down. Anastasia moves Elizabeth's hair from her shoulders and there she spots all the hickeys from the night before.

"Like I had thought...your no longer a virgin? Right?" She asks.

Elizabeth blushes. "W-what makes you say that,"

"Don't play dumb with me. I tracked your phone. You and Meliodas were in Los Angeles. Not only that, your not walking as you usually do and you have hickeys all along your neck. Your even wearing his hoodie! Tell me the truth Elizabeth. Are you a virgin?"

Elizabeth blushes even more, but sighs. "No, I'm not a virgin,"

Unlike how she thought her mom would react she stays rather calm.

"Now, why didn't you tell me? You weren't scared were you?"

"Well..." Elizabeth trails off. "Just a bit,"

Anastasia laughs. "Theres nothing to be scared of. This is what mom and daughters talk about. Did you two use protection?" She asks.

"No," Elizabeth answers.

"See. In all honesty if you wanted to start having sex Elizabeth I could've put you on birth control! I'll call the doctor and schedule an appointment tonight," she sighs.

"I just don't ever want this to happen on a school night ever again, understood?"

"Understood," Elizabeth nods.

"Anyway, let's head to the car. I rescheduled your photoshoot for 3 and its almost time. A special guest will also be joining you," she says.

Elizabeth looks at her, a bit confused but does as she orders.

What could she possibly mean by special guest?

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