Deals Dealing Damage

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"No, nonononononon, no. How?" Ford demands, trying to stand. Bill/Stan shoves him down.

"Now, there is no reason to make a big deal or anything, I'm getting  bit tired of this body. Here, let me tell you the story. You see, first off, you can't kill a demon. You can permanently send them to their dimension, but you can't kill them unless their dimension is destroyed." Bill/Stan said.

"But yours is," Ford started. Bill interrupted him.

"I'm getting there, settle down. So anyways, my good ol' pal here, Stanley, didn't even realize he made a deal! He wanted his memories of all things, and I wanted to stay here. So we share a body now. At first I wasn't strong enough o do anything, then when he left Gravity falls, I was just sitting in the passenger seat. He was in charge. I spent a year waiting to come back, getting stronger. I've been in control since you crossed the border. I would have tried to figure the equation out, but I was there when you erased your memory of the equation. Sooooo, that brings up to date. Now I want to make a deal." He says, moving his hands as he talks, the way Bill does.

"What's the deal?" Ford demands.

"Oh, well, this guy has some serous back problems, and he likes punching stuff too much. It really starts to ware down the bones. The deal is, everyone gets to forget this ever happened, and I get a new body. Besides, I've missed my favorite puppet. The best Pine Twin. My favorite you know. Besides, I'll even promise to leave the other two alone." He says extending his hand. Ford falters.

"You can't hurt Stanley either." he demands. 

"Deal!" Bill says, his hand extended. Ford took it and shook. He waited to forget, or to leave his body.

"I'll get around to it." Bill snickers.

"Cipher, out of my brothers body now!" Ford yells.

"Quiet, you'll wake this kids. Speaking of which, did you know that Pinetree is my favorite? All I need to take over is his or his legal guardians consent, and I just got it!" Bill cackles.

"NO!" Ford screams, but then Bill leaves Stans body and snaps his fingers. Both Stan and Ford collapse Bill cackles as he floats up through the floors to his new puppet. 


"No!"Someone yelled. Dipper shot up out of bed. He swears he can still hear Bill's laughter from his dream, but it quickly fades. Mabel didn't even wake up. Just another dream. He turned towards the wall and didn't see the triangle raise behind him. He only noticed the glow at the last second.

"Heya kid. Hows it been?" Bill asks. Dipper screams, and kicks at his sheets as he scrambles to get away. Mabel jumps out of bed before even realizing what's going on. 

"Dipper, what's going-" Mabel starts before seeing Bill.

"AAAAHHH! Help! GRUNKLE STAN! GRUNKLE FORD!" She screams. Bill laughs and turns to her.

"Oh, you guys are so fun! I had forgotten how much. Your Grunkles are, well, lets just go with temporarily unavailable." He says, than floats backwards, giggling.

"What did you do, Cipher?" Dipper demands. He sounds confident but his voice still quivers.

"Since when were we on a last name basis Pinetree?" Bill chuckles.

"I don't know, but my last name is Pine so- wait. You didn't answer the question!" He points at Bill accusingly.

"Oh, they'll be fine, but they aren't helping you. But I did trick Sixer, so now one of you get to be my new puppet. Or, in Pinetree's case, my 2nd hand puppet. HAHAHA!" He squeals.

"Prove it!" Mabel yells. Bill shrugged and dove into Dippers body. He takes a sewing needle from Mabel's nightstand and went to stab himself.

"Stop, I get it!" Mabel yells and Bill leaves. Dipper threw the needle away from him.

"Take me!" Dipper exclaims. He had never been more scared but he couldn't let Mabel be hurt, and he'd been through it before so he might be able to deal with it better. 

"Dipper, No! Take me Bill! You already know Dippers weaknesses! I'm an Endless ball of energy!" Mabel cried out.

"Exactly, she is a ball of energy and would be hard to control! Plus, she has braces! Do you know how much those suck? I've been in her body before, mines much easier to control! Take me!" Dipper exclaims.

"No, he's all clammy, take me! He can't handle it if you did that to him again!" Mabel pleads. Bill seams to truly take that into consideration.

"Well, this is a bit unexpected. People fighting to be my puppet, maybe I should host auditions. I think I'll choose-" Bill starts but Dipper butts in.

"Wait! I'll, I'll. I'll sweeten the deal." He says, loud at first then softly and lowers his head.

"No! Stop!" Mabel yells but blue chains wrap around her and hold her away from Dipper.

"Go ahead Pinetree. Whats your offer?" Bill asks. 

"You can, can," he stutters. Bill yells at him.

"Spit it out already!" his robotic voice garbles.

"I'll let you come in and out of my body, whenever you want. You can do what you want with me, but you can't hurt my fam-, no, you can't hurt a single citizen of Gravity Falls." He states. He lifts his head, his eyes filling with tears.

"Final offer." Dipper wipes his runny nose with his shoulder and sticks out his hand. Bill looks at it.

"Dipper! Don't!" Mabel sobs.

"I'll clear Shooting Stars Memory of tonight, and I'll let you stay here until Sixer figures it out. Deal?" Bill asks. Dipper takes his fiery Blue hand.

"Deal." came the reply.

A flash of light, then Mabel is on the ground. Dipper looks at his hands. He's still himself. He walks over and caries Mabel to her bed. He then tucks her in. As long as she's safe.

Then Bill takes over. He goes downstairs and goes to the kitchen. 

"I sure missed this Pinetree!" He laughs. He pulls out a handful of forks and ghost-Dipper shutters at the sight. Bipper plunges the forks into his abdomen and blood starts to soak his shirt.

"You know why I can do this, Pinetree?" Bill asks. No answer, but he continues anyways. Dipper is forced to listen as Bipper slams his arm in a drawer and catches his head in the door of the fridge.

"Its because of a small detail. You see, your not a citizen of Gravity Falls. And the Funny thing is, neither is Shooting Star!" Bill laughs. 

"NO!" Dipper exclaims.

Oh gosh, what have I done? he thinks to himself.

"Oh Pinetree, you have no idea."

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