Horuda Umetsu (Puresu)

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- She's honestly one of my favorite characters

- hangs out with Oka

- Bullied gorl

- Is always asking Oka to put a hex or something on the Bullies and Oka's like "HORUDA NO!"

- Teikoro's (Light Pink Bully) friend bUT SHHH DON'T TELL KAZUMI.

- Umeji was her boyfriend before he became a delinquent.

- their relationship was wholesome af.

- they still liked each other but they didn't talk much

- wears a big black sweater

- Shiromi told Osoro that Horuda still liked Umeji (cuz Aoi told Shiromi about this one time she caught Horuda crying) and then Osoro was like "ALRIGHT, BET?"

- and now they're all trying to set them up again.

- I'll make a one-shot about that later ;)))))))))))

- Anyway, she also wears the skirt she wore in her original design.

- She's really fucking short.

- She's shorter than Budo(5'4") and Amai (5'2"), being literally 4'11" (also the same height as my 8 y/o nephew which is just sad.)

- she does get mistaken for a kid often.

- Her little siblings are way taller than her and she's a really angry smol bean when around them.

- Umeji just casually picked her up and put her on top of a dresser once because he got pissed at her for some reason.

- has Autism

- that mainly means that certain textures, tastes, etc. will cause a sensory overload.

- and also eye contact and social interaction is stinky 🤮🤮.

- this part is based off my own personal experience with Autism I'm totally not projecting-

- oh and she actually really likes Video Games (special interest), but she doesn't like the Miyuki series, which is what the Gaming Club mainly plays, so she doesn't wanna join.

- mainly Animal Crossing

- she has every AC game except for Pocket Camp because she just doesn't like it.

- she and Umeji are like... One of the only COMPLETELY straight couples in the entire school

- like there are straight couples (ex. Kokona and Riku) but one or both are always bi or pan.

- I ki,,kin her I'm ngl.

- Umeji simps for her very hard (same)

- calls everyone by their last names and with formalities/honorifics (except Umeji)

- which means Oka is "Oka-San" and that's just the Japanese word for mom (Okāsan) so let that sink in

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