Chapter One: Paul

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I could hear Sam and Jared's thoughts as they thought up ways to get the leech off me without hurting me. I struggled, but the more I fought back, the tighter it gripped my neck.

See, I'm a werewolf. I kill vampires for a living, and I don't even get paid for it!

My job is to protect the people of La Push and to keep leeches out of the reservation. I work with Sam Uley and Jared Cameron. I'm hoping more people will phase soon, I'm tired from patrolling all the time because there's not enough of us.

Part of it is because I miss my frie-no, Paul, don't think of your old friends! You're about to die if you lose your focus!

What's the point? I thought depressingly. I'm not needed. I've hurt everyone close to me.

For a good cause, Paul! Sam barked. Don't lose your focus! You're going home at the end of the day, Lahote. Don't die on me now.

That's when I saw her. She was 5'5". She had brown hair, dark eyes, and the perfect tan. Fear and worry flashed in her eyes as we made eye contact.

Suddenly, it wasn't gravity holding me on Earth. It was her. I would be anything she needs, a lover, brother, protector.

You're not dying today, Paul, I thought to myself. I fought back fiercly. You're going to protect that girl and kill this leech.

I twisted my head and bared my shackles. I twisted my entire body and broke from the leech's grasp. Time to die, asshole.

Sam tackled the vampire to the ground and I went in for the kill.

You imprinted. Jared said glumly.

What? I asked.

We'll explain at the house, Paul. For now, we need to find a fire. Sam said.

What about the girl, Sam? She saw it all. She can't unsee what we just did. I knew that if I'd said that out loud, my voice would've cracked.

You'll reach out to her and take her to the bonfire. Give her hints, explain it to her. She will eventually accept what she saw, she'll get over it. Sam replied simply.

And if she doesn't get over it? I asked.

Chill, bro. Has Sam ever been wrong? Jared tried to reassure me.

You guys find the fire. I'm going to find Emily. I mumbled before running into town.

Don't worry. Sam said.

I shifted back in the bushes outside Sam's and saw Emily sitting on the porch, looking at the stars in the sky. "Hey Em."

"Hey Paul. Where are Sam and Jared?" She stood up immediately, ready to get me food if I wanted it.

"Um... we took out another leech." My voice sounded rough, as if my vocal cords had been affected by the leech's grip. "And... I imprinted."

"On a vampire?" She gasped.

"No, no," I shook my head wildly. "There was a girl there, she saw us rip it apart. She was still there when I left. I just don't know who she is."

"What does she look like? Maybe I can help you." She offered.

Emily was a social butterfly. She knew almost everyone in La Push. So I described the girl's appearance.

"Miley Clearwater," she told me softly. "She just came back from a boarding school in Seattle."

" in Sue and Harry Clearwater?" I said slowly.

"Yes. They had a third child, Seth's twin. They sent her to Seattle so she could get a better education and have everything that Harry couldn't provide for her if he took care of three kids." She explained to me. "She's very smart and quiet, and very caring and loving. I think that, even if you didn't imprint on her, you'd love her."

"So, what you're saying is, she's the female Seth." I stated bluntly.

"Technically, yes." She told me. "Only, she's more understanding of what's going on around her. She doesn't make a joke about every little thing."

"C-can you introduce me to her?"

"Of course. I'll invite the Clearwaters over for dinner." She smiled warmly. "The next bonfire with the council is next week. Why don't you invite her to come?"

"Thanks Emily." I hugged her. "For everything. For feeding me. For nursing my wounds. For calming me down when I'm about to lose my temper. For this. I don't know where the tiny pack would be without you."

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