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Lance screamed as his Lion was hit over and over by the ion cannon. It was as if it was targeting him!

"Lance! What are you doing?! Get away from them!" Shiro shouted through the coms.

"I can't!" Lance cried. "They're surrounding-"

"Ugh you're so annoying!" Pidge said.

That was the last thing he heard before white consumed his vision...


"Lance!" Keith cried.

Lance had been captured by the galran fleet and it was gone as soon as it had appeared.

"Oh my god..." Hunk breathed. "He's gone."

"We have to go after them!" Keith cried.

"We can't," Alurra said. "At least not now. The Lions are damaged from this battle."


"Keith, we'll find him." Shiro said. "But we have to go back. Now."

That day would be the last day Voltron had a true blue paladin.

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