Hibiki :Balwisyall nescell gungnir tronThen a light enverated the hibiki and turned into symphogear and that's when it started to hit the noise In the subway and a noise hits her with spheres and gate on the take and then the noise thinks she died...

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Hibiki :Balwisyall nescell gungnir tron
Then a light enverated the hibiki and turned into symphogear and that's when it started to hit the noise In the subway and a noise hits her with spheres and gate on the take and then the noise thinks she died and then . Hibiki boiled that he couldn't see the stethey were being filmed and then he got mad in the crazy way and he hit and

 Then get a genjuro call Genjuro :I detect a larger source of Noise and tsubasa is on the road and kanade contacts yusaku not to do anything reckless Hibiki :understood And then he sees a star 🌟 in the sky But there was a star and slash's tsubasa...

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Then get a genjuro call
Genjuro :I detect a larger source of Noise and tsubasa is on the road and kanade contacts yusaku not to do anything reckless
Hibiki :understood
And then he sees a star 🌟 in the sky But there was a star and slash's tsubasa Getting rid of the noise. And hibiki was running towards the tsubasa
Hibiki :tsubasa
Tsubasa :Tacibana Be more careful
Hibiki :Apology
Tsubasa :Someone's here 'Returns To the bushes and raise the sword 'Let's go outside
??? :my my, You have some good instincts
A female, stepped egg of the wearing a silver suit with dark green stones and purple with chains

 And hibiki was running towards the tsubasaHibiki :tsubasaTsubasa :Tacibana Be more careful Hibiki :Apology Tsubasa :Someone's here 'Returns To the bushes and raise the sword 'Let's go outside ??? :my my, You have some good instincts A female, ste...

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Tsubasa She's not shocked. Not the face and armor. But hibiki is confused
Tsubasa :Armor His neshushat How?
The girl was smiling
(Based on Division 2)
Genjuro :Neshushat armor! But how?!
This armor was stolen when the concert was two years ago but now someone appears and used it
Genjuro : contact on yusaku
Kanade :He's on his way. But why. You have to come fast
Genjuro :that armor is strong and yusaku is strong enough to face it
Kanade :I always wondered what antiquity it has
Genjuro : will tell us soon
(with yusaku)
It was with miku that my aunt asked me to bring them her and hibiki some cake recipe from Aunt Mei And then I have a discussion with miku about hibiki and her problems and then I explain to her how or things that work and I'm told whatever she is she's always your girlfriend and then before I go kissed me on the cheek. Then I see that kanade called me and sent me the location of the place.
Yusaku (interior): I think Archer is good for this fight
(With the girls)
Start the fight tsubasa fights with the mysterious girl. Tsubasa uses her sword against the girl but smiles that she uses the whip. Tsubasa Notice that the girl is ducking and then makes a few swings and tries with the sables of the foot. At the time, she was about to hit her, but she swerved with her whip and kicked her in the stomach.
At the time, she was about to hit her, but she swerved with her whip and gave her a leg in her stomach.

symphogear x male symphogear Where stories live. Discover now