Chapter III - Missing U

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As the door of the arrival area opened, Flashing of cameras and bodyguards greeted me, The bodyguards started surrounding me and protected me from the crowd of fans.

As we walk to where the van that will take me to the dorm, I saw a girl wearing a black hoodie and cap in a far distance, I stared at her but I wasn't able to recognize her because she's far for me to see.

Her posture kinda reminds me of Dahyun... I miss her..

"NAYEON I LOVE YOU!" I heard a fan shouted making me go back to my senses, "I love you!" Another fan shouted as she hands a letter to me and when I was about to get the letter the bodyguard snatched it and gave it to me instead.


3rd PERSON's POV | Somewhere in Gangnam

Dahyun stared outside the window which shows the busy street of Gangnam.

Minutes later they passed by a familiar park, "S- Sana..." Dahyun quietly called out Sana who immediately looked back and stared at Dahyun, "C- Can you comfort me..?" Dahyun shyly asked.

Dahyun stared at the park and then suddenly a vague memory of her flashed in her mind, Dahyun clenched her head, she inhaled and exhaled.

"Jeongyeon, Let's switch seats." Sana said as she playfully hits Jeongyeon's face, "Sure.." Jeongyeon growled as she struggles to stand up since the van is moving.

"Stop the van for a minute." Sana said to the driver and the driver immediately obeyed and parked the car by the side of the road.

And they switched seats.

Sana held Dahyun's hand and she softly whispered to her, "You okay?...".

"I'm fine since you're here beside me." Dahyun replied and faked a smile.

SANA's POV | Still inside the van.

I knew that Dahyun is lying, I'm keeping her away from her past but I brought her back to this hell of a country.

One thing for sure, A vague memory of her past flashed in her mind when she saw that park... I should've told the driver to avoid that area.

Dahyun rested her head in my shoulder, "I love you.." She murmured as she closes her eyes, "Oh.. My Jagiya is sleepy.." I said as I wrapped one of my arms in her waist and pulled her closer.


"And.. We're here." The driver said as she parks the van inside, Jeongyeon woke Momo up and they exited the van first.

I stared at Dahyun's sleeping face, "We're here, Wake up.." I said softly as I playfully pinch her soft cheeks, "5 more mins.." Dahyun growled.

"Well, if you won't get up now I will put kiss marks all over your face." Sana teased Dahyun, "Ugh.." Dahyun growled again as she slowly exits the van.

"You can continue your beauty sleep after we put our things inside." Sana said as teasingly pat Dahyun's face.



As they open the door that will lead them inside the mansion they were greeted by a butler, "Welcome back, Miss." The butler bowed to Sana, "And to you three also." He added as he bows to the other three.

Dahyun bowed back, "Thank you.." She said and smiled, "I'll help you with your luggages." The butler said as he starts holding Dahyun's luggage.

"Oh no need to do that.." Dahyun insisted and she grabbed her luggage back, "Oh.." The butler murmured as she looks at Sana, "I'll lead her to her room." Sana said as she grabs Dahyun's wrist.


"She still has her old personality even though she lost most of past memories." Momo said to the butler, "I'll bring your luggages to your room." The butler replied as he grabs Momo, Jeongyeon and Sana's luggage.

He smiled as he drags their luggages to their rooms.


"So, this is your room." Sana said after she opened the door to Dahyun's room, "It's not as good as mine but it has all your favorite things." Sana added as she puts Dahyun's luggage in the corner of the room.

"You can always sleep in my room." Sana said as she smirks at Dahyun causing her to blush, "So, I'll be back later after I'm done taking out my things and putting them to where they belong." Sana added as she kisses Dahyun's cheek and exits the room.

Dahyun plopped herself in her bed, "How can she be so soft and dangerous at the same time..." Dahyun said to herself as she touches her burning cheeks.

Dahyun takes her phone from her pocket and then she looks at the trending list in Naver, While scrolling she stumbles upon an article, "J- JYP.." Dahyun murmured as she opens the article.

"I- Im Nayeon.." She mumbled, "Not again..." Dahyun added as she holds her head, she continues reading while holding her head.

"JYP Entertainment.. Is planning to debut a girl group next year with Im Nayeon as one of the members.." Dahyun reads.

"Ughh.." Dahyun clenches her head and because of the pain she accidentally dropped her phone.

Sana heard a loud bang so she barged into Dahyun's room and found her in her bed while clenching her head, "Dahyun!" Sana shouted as she runs to Dahyun.

Sana hugged Dahyun, "Clear your mind.. Jagiya." Sana softly said as she caresses Dahyun's head.

She noticed that Dahyun is already asleep so she decided to just lie down beside Dahyun.

"I'm not telling you about your past because I don't want you to leave me again.." Sana mumbled as she caresses Dahyun's head, "I can't lose you again..." She added.

Welp.. Here u go.. :)
Sorry for the long wait..

- M

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