Chapter seven: Snowy start

Start from the beginning

Once I exit my little brothers room and grab my navy worm blue puffy coat from the hall closet and slide it on right over my blue and green plaid shirt and gray pants, I slip my old white tennis shoes on and grab my light blue back pack hanging by the door.

"Bye El" my dad say.

"Bye, mike, see ya later" she replies, walking over to the door and gives him a couple small kisses and then they both smile widely. My parents are so cute.

"Bye, see ya later baby" he says back his cheeks turning a light shade of rosy pink and my mom walks back to my little brothers room.

Then I dash out the cabin with my dad. We through the forest, snow crunching under our feet and stop at a cluster of trees deep in the middle of the wooded forest, where my dads little red car is parked. We rapidly brush snow and ice of the hood, windows and mirrors. Then My dad unlocks the car and we both hop in.

About fifteen minutes later (still Avery's POV just a heads up)

Once we had reached Hawkins middle, my dad parked in the staff parking lot and we both climb out.

"Bye see ya later dad" I say and give him a little hug.

"Ok see you in my class" my dad say back with a little chuckle. I think deep down he still can't believe he's really a teacher. A science teacher at that.

I rush through the big doors of Hawkins middle and walk over to my locker. My best friend Olivia, but I call her Livvy, but any ways she's at her looker, which is directly across the hall from mine. She has a light skin tone and her long straight blonde hair was pulled up in two braids falling over her shoulders. She had a light green short sleeved shirt on, with a white long skirt and her favorite black Nike's. She was the first person to ever show me a little kindness when I walked through the doors of Hawkins middle for the first time. She was the first person to know about my powers, my real name and not the fake one, but she had to promise not to tell, because if she ever did I'd probably be back in my prison. In my old worn, uncomfortable cot. Scared of the next day, the next morning when Brenner's daughter opened my cell and dragged me through another day, another hour even, of torment, I used to call life. Even though I just met ivy a little over 2 months ago, knew I could trust her. I would now say she's my best friend. On Friday nights she comes over to the cabin and we have our weekly sleepover. My dad and Erica tough the two of us how to play DnD, 2 weeks ago. We both enjoyed playing DnD, so we added it to our sleepovers. I start planning a new campaign every Monday and it's ready by Friday. We both enjoyed going to the park, swinging free, like ever worry disappeared into the beautiful blue sky scattered with clouds and light white streaks from airplanes flying by. Going on long exciting walks, just walking the train tracks, with my mom following closely behind push Luke in the stroller or just sitting on my bed talking about whatever comes to mind. That's just who we are, just two best friends, two soles linked by a friendship that would last a lifetime, well hopefully it will.

If there was one thing I could change about the friendship me and Livvy have built over the last few months that would be an easy question to answer, She already knows about my power and she's the only one but if it would be able to not have to wear my stupid blonde wig when ever I see her, whether it was at school or at our weekly sleep overs, I wear that stupid wig every where I go. I only get to see my Brown curls, when it's just my mom, dad, little brother, Erica, aunt Nancy, uncle Jonathan or grandpa hop in the cabin, no one else is allowed to see who I really am. But when it's just my family or our family friend Erica, they get to see who I really am, a 14 teen year old girl named Avery Nancy Wheeler, who has untamed brown curls that reach her shoulders and who has the power to manipulate things with her mind, who has a love for board games and the peaceful sound of rain drops hitting the roof of the cabin, I call my home.

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