Chapter five: getting ready

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If anything is ( ) in these things it's for you the reader to know not the characters telling you or saying something.

(About 8 months later)

Third person POV
El's not due for about 2 more weeks. Avery's 14 now. Mikes still 35 for a couple more months and El's turned 35 a couple months ago. Avery now has Els old room and Mike and El have Hops old room. Avery also goes to Hawkins Middle now but, has to wear a wig and go by a different name so the lab doesn't find her. At school she wears a blonde wig that goes a little past her shoulders and is wavy and her name is Cassie Emily Jones. At Home she's Avery Nancy wheeler with dark brown curls that reach right above her shoulders.

El's POV

"El come quick" I hear Mike say from the room that he and my daughter had added on to the cabin, so that Avery and the new baby could have there own rooms.

"Ok I'm coming" I say, I'm really tired.

When I retch the extension of the cabin, I can barley stand up straight to the sene I see in front of me. I see my husband and daughter were smiling at me, they had finished the nursery. The walls were painted a light blue, there was a wood crib painted navy blue with a mobile with little light blue moons and light yellow suns on the right side of the room and There were even a few little stuff animals in the crib, my old teddy bear, a little Yoda one that mike said our little boy would need and a little one of the cute little gremlin Gizmo, that Avery insisted we buy after we had had a 80s movie marathon last week. They had put the changing table together and put a navy blue baby swing up too, which we're set up on the left side of the room. It was perfect and I know my little boy's going to love it.

"Well do like it?" Mike asks me after a few minutes.

"I love it"I say as a tear escapes from my right eye, he comes over and hugs me tight.

"You really like?" He asks to make sure I actually like it and that I'm not just say that to make him feel good.

"Yes, it's perfect" I say smile up at him and kiss him on the lips briefly. It really was perfect on every level.

"Hey mom?" Avery says from next to the crib.

"Yes?" I say looking up at my daughter.

"I was was wondering if I could go to the snowball with this boy at school?" She says blushing and looking at the floor in embarrassment.

I looked over at mike then over at my daughter again.

"I don't know, your brother will be here by then and what if the lab finds you at that hour, it will be late or worse"

"But mom they won't find me and it looks really fun, please mom"

"You can go on one conversation, me and your dad come with you and make sure your safe from the lab, ok"


"You sound like hopper" Mikes says and we both laugh.

Avery's POV

"Does this boy have a name?"my mom asks.

"His name is jack Sinclair" Avery says quickly and scratches her neck just like her dad used to and tries to walk away, but I speak before she can walk away.

"Did you just say Sinclair?" Both my parents look at each other in awe. They both stand there with there mouths wide open, Like was an alien or something.

"Ya, why?"

"Nothing nothing, I've just heard the name before that's all" my mom says awkwardly and looks back at my dad and he puts his arm around her and rubs her arm, trying to sooth her a little.

Someday(future mileven story set in 2005)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang