Chapter six: The time has come

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The song is grave yard, by Halsey. Hope you enjoy.

El's POV

I'm in my hospital room now. Doctors and nurses surrounding my bed, with Erica standing on my right, standing the closest to me. All of them with kind, reassuring smiles on there faces. My daughter Avery holding my left hand and husband Mike holding my right hand tightly. I'm in a tremendous or an excruciating amount of pain. "One more push" I hear a nurse say and I look over a Mike who gives my hand a slight squeeze and gives me a sweet smile that feels like he's giving me his whole heart in this one beautiful moment. I smile at him and with all the energy left in me give one more forceful push.

Third person POV

On December 5, 2005, Luke William Wheeler was born. Luke for Lucas and William for Will, we really miss our friends. Luke was also a Wheeler just like his father, mother and older sister. Luke had his father's pale skin, a dusting of freckles, his father's nose and black hair unlike his older sister's dark brown hair. He also had his mother's dark brown/hazel colored eyes, that would somehow always shine and sparkle when ever mike would stare into them or just look at them for a brief moment. Finally, Luke had his mother's bright welcoming smile, that could brighten up your day even when your running away from a terrifying monster or if your best friend is lost and you see that smile in the pouring and freezing rain, because you could see how big her heart was just while look at her wonderful smile.

El's POV (again)

"Oh Mike he's perfect" I say as I gaze down at my sweet little newborn son. He looked the most like Mike, but a little like me too.

"He really is" Mike says kissing my lips and rapping an arms around me. God I love him so much.

"Can I hold him" I look up to see my daughter with the biggest grin on her face as she gazes over at her new baby brother.

"Ya sure, here Mike can sit next to Avery please" I say handing little Luke to Mike, who walks over to the two white folding chairs close to the wall. Avery sits on the chair next to mike.

"Okay, carefully put your hand under his head and get to know your little brother Luke" Mike says showing Avery how to support Luke's small head.

Avery POV

I'm looking down at this little baby and I can't believe he's my bother, he's my family. I have the same freckles as him and we get them from our dad. This little boy is sleeping peacefully in my arms and he's really cute. I'm mom's baby girl and he's mom's baby boy. Even though me and my little brother are actually 14 years and 31 days apart. I was born November 7, 1992 and he was born today, December 5, 2005. But he's still my bother and love him. He opens his eyes and just stares at me.

"Hi little brother, I'm your big sister Avery and your name is Luke. Hi Luke"

A few hours later (still Avery's POV)
"Bye Erica" I say. She seems fun and nice.

"Oh, bye hope to see you soon and I have something for you, so I'll walk out with you."she says, with a sweet smile.

"Avery you ready to go home?" My dad says.

"Yes, Erica gonna walk out with us" I say and Erica walk beside me. Good bye room 353, I say quiet enough so no one can hear and close hospital room door and follow my mom, dad and little brother. We walk out of the big hospital doors that we ran through on the way into this hospital. I follow Erica to a old run down suv, she grabs something out from the trunk.

"Okay close your eyes and put your arm out. She puts something on my left wrist and puts something heavy in my hands.

"Okay open"

There was a colorful beaded bracelet placed next to my moms old blue bracelet and a dungeon and dragons book in hands.

"Are you confused" Erica asks and I nod my head.

"Okay so your mom, me,our friends Max and Robin and also your aunt Nancy had to deal with 6 Nerds, so when your uncle will gave me his d&d book, I stared playing with them. So your dad knows how to play and maybe when Luke's older you can teach him to play or finds some friendship play with you. That bracelet was mine when I was a kid, so I thought you might like it" she says this all with a huge smile on her face and excitement in her voice.

"Thanks, I think Luke will really like to play and Maybe I can play with you and my dad sometime. The bracelet is really pretty. Thank you"

"Sure and I'd be fun to play with you" she says and we walk to my car. I hop in and sit next to my brother.

"Aww I wanted to drive" I say with a pouty tone to my dad.

"Nooo, you almost killed us on the way here!"he whisper-screams sounding a little scared of me. I start laughing and so does he. We start driving and I wave at Erica. Then were out of view of the hospital and Erica. Then we're in the forest and the were home. At the cabin. Our cabin. I walk in and set the d&d book on my bed and go get my little brother from the car. I walk back in the house with my little brother in my arms. I walk to the nursery and set him his the crib. He smiles at me.

"Hi I'm your big sister Avery remember" I say to him, but he just keeps smiling at me.

He's my brother and I will always protect him.

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