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"Yes, so i told her bitch there is no win or lose in this household, when you have a face like mine, you always win! And she shut up."

Another day at school, another day of Jin hyung ranting about some girl annoyed the shit out of him.

"Okay who is she?" Asked Kyra, as she elegantly eat her prawn cracker, man look at that so hot, the cracker i mean, not her.

Well Kyra is more of interesting and funny than hot, i mean the only thing that i always considered as hot is food, spicy food, why? Because I'm a rapper who spits fire.

"One of Hani's minion, she can't take no as an answer, she thought everyone wants to fuck her, sorry if I'm not a fan of STD's."

"The one with the massive boobs?" We are all turned to the maknae as soon as that word came out of his mouth, "well yeah that one. Why?" Says Kyra.

"Are those real?" I choked on my prawn cracker, well Kyra's prawn cracker, she turned to me as she widen her eyes and said "hah! That's what you get from stealing my cracker without my permission!"

"Well kookie, to answer your curiosity, well yeah those are real. Real silicone. She obviously got a boob job."

"A man is dying here? Hello?" I said as she send me a look, and give out her water without looking at me.


"No problem Yoongi, just ask me for a cracker next time, I'll definitely not sharing it with you."

Way to have my hopes high woman.

"I thought we are friends?" I said as i fake my ccrying leaving the other 6 guys shook, well i never do something like this either so.

"We are friends but i don't share food!" I pouted, well she left me no choice than to do aegyo. I can't believe I'm doing this.

"Yoonie wants some prawn cracker chuseyo. Heum heum.." i acted out.

As they give me these reactions:

Jin hyung:

Jin hyung:

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Hobi :


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"Ugh fine

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"Ugh fine.. just don't do that anymore..."

Uhuh, yeah bitch, I'm Min Yoongi, i always get what i want.

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