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Yoongi POV

It was finally lunch break, as usual i went to my table with the boys, in this school i have a reputation, well we have a reputation to keep, as for me, I'm known as the quiet, cold and fierce boy in class, no one ever mess with me especially when I'm having a nap.

But i can be funny too, sometimes, i rarely open my mouth, not because i can't speak, i simply just hate people and i don't wanna waste my energy to talk to people who are irrelevant.

As for Jin hyung, he is OMG don't even get me started with this bitch, he is the oldest but act like a baby, he loves himself so much that the only person he wanna kiss is just himself, he is the gossip girl in our group, yes i call him gossip girl, he knows literally everything about everyone, it's like he has his own private source about the hot boiling tea that not everyone knows, maybe his good looks is the one that helps him to get all the information he wants, girls, boys can't resist his beautiful face, he appears to be the "flower" boy that everyone loves to the outsider, but once you get to know him, he is a total crackhead.

Hobi or hoseok, is the energizer in our group, he is a dancer, at this point I'm convinced that Hobi doesn't have a bone, the bitch move so perfectly and on point, despite that he is funny, but also can't keep his mouth shut, literally the worst liar i have ever met, this hoe is scared with literally everything that is small and flying. To the others he appears to be that swag boy who is polite, cool, friendly, but honestly no one really knows about him being a total scaredy cat. Like i said we all have the image that we have to keep. But honestly, we aren't as intimidating as people in our school find us.

Namjoon is the sexy brain of our group, everyone find him smart and charismatic, so manly, BUT he is so chaotic, literally nothing is safe when he is around, this bitch can't touch anything without breaking it the next minute, we call him the God Of Destruction for a reason.

Now the 3 musketeers, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook, they are the most popular ones in our group, they are no doubt handsome and charming, and they are very polite with everyone, Jimin appear to be the sexy and charming one in our group, his dance have caused a lot of people no matter their gender is, die out of his sexy charisma on stage, but honestly he is a total baby who needs a lot of love and attention.

Taehyung appear to be intimidating, sexy, and his deep voice have caused a lot of death in our school, well of course not literally, but in reality? He is a baby, he is the most sensitive one along with Jimin.

Jungkook same thing as Jimin and Taehyung, this bitch good at everything, he can get away with everything just with his pout and bambi eyes, especially with us, we can't resist this baby, how am i supposed to say no when he pouts? It's just so cruel, i'm not that mean you know, he has earn a soft spot in my heart okay, girls find him hot, cute, you name it, but too bad this guy is scared of girls. 💀 he has a crush on IU, our senior whose voice is beautiful, poor guy freaked out and had a massive panic attack when IU greet him with a smile.

"Isn't that Kyra?" I turn around to find her sitting on her own, she used to have her lunch with Hani, "should we invite her to our table?"

"Why?" I muttered as Jin hyung give me a look, "she is alone Yoongi, and she was such a queen this morning, i want her in our squad and that's on periodt!" He stated as he left and approach Kyra.

A few minutes later, he is back with Kyra standing next to our table smiling sheepishly at us, i was just keep eating my food, "and that's Yoongi, don't bother his rude behavior, he is such a grandpa."

"Hey! I'm not a grandpa! I'm just on a energy saving mode, besides we are eating."

"Whatever, Kyra, starting on this day on, you can sit with us, and on wednesday we wear pink." I, what? Since when? How?  What the fuck?

"Excuse me, but since when do we even established that rule, hyung? Am i missing something?" I asked with a very confused look.

"Since now, me, Taehyung, Jimin and Kyra will wear pink on wednesday!" He said as he smiled at Kyra.

"Wait really? That's so fetch!" Says Jimin, what even?! Fetch? What?

"Jimin, stop making Fetch happen!" This time Kyra speak up as Jin was laughing his ass off, what's so funny?

"I still don't understand what's so funny about it?"

"Oh you won't get it, you are a boomer." Jin said as Taehyung this time says the most stupid thing that i ever heard. "I have a fifth sense."

"What do you mean you have a fifth sense?!" I asked getting annoyed, "it's like i have ESPN or ssomething, i can feel it on my right tiddies if it's going to rain or not." He said it with his flat emotionless face.

"What the fuck are you guys even on about? Are you guys doing drugs?" Namjoon asked this time not having it.

"Y'all are such a boomer OMG I can't believe I'm friends with you guys." Says Jimin as he rolled his eyes.

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