Chapter 4 (Emily).

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Hello people of the world. I really sorry about he long wait for the update. I have been sooooooo busy and Mia just left it hanging as well so again im really sory and I hope you like this chapy.



As I walked through the doors of the school I could still hear my fathers words ringing through my head. If you kids misbehave. If you kids misbehave. It was like my own personal mantra. I was woken from my dreamy state when someone kissed my on the cheek. I jumped and turned to Jared.

“Hey babe. What wrong?”

“Nothing just thinking about something my dad said last night.”

“okay, well we better get to class or we’ll be late” 

“Yeah, let’s go.” I said pulling him down the hall.


As we walked into homeroom everyone stopped talking and looked at us. “Hey guys” I said cheerfully, though I still had his words running through my head. I took my usual seat in thr front and sat next to Aimee. “Hey Am”

“Hey D. You have fun last night on you date?” she asked wiggling her eyebrows.

Yes. Well…sort of.”

“What? What happened?

“I sort of got punched in the face.” I mumbled while playing with an imaginary string on my shirt.

“WHAT?!” she yelled.

“Some guy spilt his drink on me and then called me a slut and then Jared started a fight and then I tried to stop it and then I got hit in the face.”

Aimee looked like she could murder everyone in the room. “I am going to kill Jared.”

“Aimee, it wasn’t his fault calm down.”  By now everyone had started talking until the door of the classroom slammed open to reveal Weston Ames. The school jock and heart-throb. But I didn’t fall for his charm, one: because I had the best boyfriend in the world and two: I knew he was just a stuck up dick-head with loaded parents. All the girls in the room, including Aimee, sighed. Weston had jet black hair and piercing green eyes. He was ripped and wore a grey t-shirt and leather jacket with black jeans. 

“Oh god.” I groaned. Weston walked up to me and at the desk behind me.

“Hello Dava.”

“What do you want Weston?”

“Oh nothing much. Just for you to finally drop that piece of shit and become my girlfriend.” For any other girl they would do what he said, but me...well put it this way I hated his guts since pre-school.

“Haha very funny Weston. Do you really have to ask me when you already know the answer?” I asked my voice dripping with venom.

“Oh come on sweetheart, loosen up a bit. We could even do it without you having to dump pretty blonde boy. We could just do behind his back.”

I felt a sneer cross my face. “Yes and then dogs will fall from the sky” I said sarcastically.

I heard Mr. King trying to  calm the class down but Weston just would not shut up. "Are you sure because i'm sure that he would move on pretty quick."

"Weston SHUT UP!" I yelled at him.

"Ooo Ms Princess here needs a wake up call. Your boyfriend don't love you. You just going to be in love for high school adn then when you graduate BAM! You'll break up and you will be heart broken and you will think oo if only I had listened to Weston. Oh well to late. My whole entire being shook with anger. 

"Weston Ames if you don't shut up..."

"You'll do what hurt my feelings?" he laughed

"Mr Ames and Ms Adams" Mr Kings voice resonated around the room. "The both of you will see mr after school in detention." After he said that I spun around to look at him. I couldn't have detention. I just couldn't. I turned my head slowly towards Weston giving him my best death glare. 

If You Knew TruthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora