If You Knew Truth

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Hey there fellow wattpadians!! My friend Mia and I are writing this together so if there is a bad chapter, blame her not me!! Just kidding!! Mia is also posting this on her account so yeah.

Happy reading!!



I gripped the pole and used it to climb on to the edge of the railing. 

My long, blonde hair clung to me in the rain. My black hoodie and jeans were barley visible in the dark night. 

I looked down at the ground below me. It was at least a 430 metre drop. I took a deep breath and prepared to jump. 

How did I, sixteen year old Dava Adams, the girl who used to be the prettiest and most popular girl in the school, end up like this. I had friends and a hot boyfriend. Every girl wanted to be like me and evveryboy wanted to date me.

How did this happen?

~~~~~1 MONTH EARLIER~~~~~

"Hey! Dava! Over here!" 

I turned around and saw my best friends Charlotte and Aimee waving at me from the other side of the restaraunt.

I walked over quickly with a brilliant smile on my face.

"Hey guys," I said as I hugged them. "My shift finishes in ten minutes."

"I would like a like a coke then, Miss Waitress."

"Shut up, Aimee. Don't call me that!" I replied, elbowing her in the ribs.

"I'll have a coke too." added Charlotte.

"Adams, you better not be socialising!" said a voice from behind me.

I spun around to see my boss, Kellie, standing their with her hands on her hips.

"No, I'm not socialising, I'm taking orders."

"You better be."

I rolled my eyes.

Ten minutes later, Aimee, Charlotte and I were riding in a car owned by Charlotte's boyfriend Joshua.

"Where to, ladies?" Joshua asked.

"Fashion Avenue." Charlotte told him. "We're going shopping!"


Two hours later, I was waiting for my boyfriend, Jared, to pick me up for our date.

Earlier at Fashion Avenue, Charlotte and Aimee had helped me pick out a hot dress to wear. it was knee length and purple in colour. I had curled my hair and applied a little bit of makeup, mostly lipstick, blush, eyeshadow and mascara.

I had just transfered my purse into a little handbag and put on my high heels when there was a knock at the door.

I heard my brother open it.

"Hi Jared." he said. 

"Hi Ayden"

"Dava is in her room."


"I came downstairs and Jared flashed me one of his dazzling smiles.

"Hey babe." he said before giving me a kiss.

"Ew!" Ayden groaned. 

He covered his eyes and banged into the wall while attempting to run out of the room.

"Come on," laughed Jared.

When we arrived at the club, the first thing Jared did was buy himself a beer.

"Really?" I asked him. "Do they realise that you are only seventeen?"


I convinced Jared to dance with me until my feet ached. 

When I walked up to the bar to get myself a drink, a guy bumped into me and splashed a full glass of beer all over me.

"What the hell did you just do?" demanded a voice behind me.

Jared. My saviour.

"I was trying to take my beer to my table to drink it." the guy responded.

"Well you just spilt it all over my girlfriend, you bastard."

"You're dating that slut? I feel sorry for you."

Jared swung his fist at the guy but missed. They began to fight.

I forced myself inbetween them and yelled "Stop it! Stop fighting!"

Jared stopped as soon as I got in the way but it took a minute for the guy to process what I had said. One of the guys punches hit me in the cheek. I was flung back into a bunch of bystanders. 

Jared started yelling at the guy. I was forced to drag him out of the club.

"Babe, are you okay?" he asked once we had reached his car.

"My cheek hurts."

"I'm sorry for fighting."

"That's okay." I told him.

Jared pushed me against the side of the car and my lips met his.


so do you like it? Mia will be writing soon and i will update it here. it will aslo be on her acount - ARandomPersonLolz

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