"Is he okay?" Allison continued to question. I would tell you who they were talking about, but, I had no idea. "I mean, did everything work out?"

"Well, the doctors looked like total idiots when he turned up alive," Lydia explained. "But everyone got over it. And yes, Derek taught him the werewolf 10-" Lydia paused, her eyes widening, glancing back at me.

"Don't worry, she knows about our ex-family business," Allison tells her and Lydia sighs softly, nodding.

"Uh, like how not to randomly kill people during a full moon," Lydia finished.

Allison gave her a smile. "So then you've talked to him?"

Lydia pursed her lips. "Uh, not since he left for London," she speaks softly.

"You mean since his Dad moved him to London," Allison corrected and I leant my back, getting comfortable and pressing my cheek against the cold glass.

"Whatever," Lydia continued. "He left. And seriously, an American werewolf in London? Like, that's not gonna be a disaster."

It went silent for a second and Allison looked over at Lydia. "So you're totally over him?"

"If I was going on this double date if I wasn't?" Lydia snaps, her jaw tightening and she looked over at Allison. Allison chuckled lowly and side glanced her. Lydia lets out a breath, realising what she just said. "Yes, it is a double date, it's not an orgy," Allison laughs. "You'll live,"

Lydia pulled to a stop at the traffic lights. The road was awfully quiet for my like. France is a busy Bee compared to quiet Beacon Hills.

I noticed a blue Jeep rolling up beside up, the other two started to talk about the little things, joking with each other, and laughing.

Allison's smile falters a bit and her eyes widen. "Oh, my God," she suddenly panics as she looked away from the other car. Lydia looks over at the car. "Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God. I can't see him now. Not now. Lydia, go!"

"But the light," Lydia's conflicted eyes looked up at the red light. I sat up a little, wondering what the fuss was about.

"What's going on-"

"Go! Please," Allison cuts me off, you could hear the desperateness in her voice and Lydia speeds off. Allison sighed in relief.

Lydia looked at Allison. "You all right?"

Allison nodded and looked back at me. "That's my ex and his best friend."

My own eyes widen.

Scott and Stiles.

Allison has talked about them over the four months of being with me. Scott was her ex and the werewolf. Stiles was the sarcastic best friend.

I looked behind me, noticing that the Jeep was moving now as well behind us. Suddenly, they stopped.

"Lydia, stop," Allison also said. "We need to go back and talk to them." Lydia slowly stopped her blue vehicle.

"They stopped too," Lydia noticed, they were both looking out the back window like I was. 

"Why would they stop?" Allison questions.

"It's Stiles and Scott. Do you really wanna try applying logic to those two?" And that's when it happened all too quickly.

I turned around in time to see it happen, a deer had run itself into the windshield of Lydia's car, I let out a terrified scream and so did they, the glass shatters all over me and I got a few glass's cuts into my skin, they exit the car in a rush and I quickly tumbled out of the car, following them.

I stumbled over my feet, my heart beating so fast. I noticed to boys, Scott and Stiles, coming to Allison and Lydia's rescue.

"Are you okay?" The one approaching Allison must be Scott. 

Lydia walked over to Stiles. "It came over nowhere,"

"Are you hurt?" Stiles had asked the strawberry blonde, his eyes scanning all over Lydia, making sure she wasn't hurt.

"It ran right into us," Lydia breaths heavily.

I stand there awkwardly and terrified, I winced when I watched the blood dripping out from my arm because of the glass being stuck in there.

"Are you okay?" Scott was looking at Allison, I was a few feet behind them, my hands were shaking.

"I'm okay," Allison softly said, looking back at Scott.

"Well, I'm not okay," I burst, the two boys looked at me with wide eyes, clearly shocked that I was here. "I am totally freaking out! How the hell does it just run into us?"

Stiles looked at me curiously. "Who are you?"

I watched as Scott walked over to deer that was stuck in Lydia's windshield. Allison turned around and walked over to me, her eyes filled with worried. "This is my cousin, Addison, she's from France. Addison, you're bleeding."

"I'll be fine," my voice whimpered. "Nothing a bandage can't fix," I looked over at Scott. "I saw its eyes right before it hit us. It was like- It was like it was crazy,"

I didn't realise I had moved towards the car where Scott stands, I stood behind him, my arms crossed. I felt a presence behind me and I turned my head, it was Stiles. Allison was beside me and Lydia was standing a bit in front of me.

He and I locked eyes for a minute, observing each other's features. He had brown hair from what I can see, a nice jawline, I can't tell what the colour of his eyes are, but overall a good looking guy, which made my insides fill with butterflies.

I break eye contact with him and paid attention to Scott. "No, it was scared," Scott corrects me. He placed a hand on the deer's arm. "Actually... Terrified."


Welcome to a new fan fiction where I'll be updating probably almost every single day as my country is now in lockdown, yay!

I hope you enjoyed this plot and continue to read while I upload.

I cannot believe the world is officially on lockdown because of a virus lol. Guys, we're gonna go down in history!

Anyways, we that being said, imma go now!

And because I know you guys have plenty of time reading this please comment, share, and vote!

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