Chapter 9

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YES I GOT MY POWER BACK @ 4:11 am and I've been busy trust me lol so SCREW U HURRICANE SANDY lol good luck for anyone who didnt get it yet thats suppose to its bad i lost my power for a day and a half GOOD LUCKK


Taylors at a friends the boys found a new way to get her. Kenzie and Taylor are bothering Brian. and actually yesturday the girls skipped school but the last to periods so yeah lol and u learned that Kenzies mum is like a mum to Taylor


STORY TIME lol finally though right IK LOL

-Chey <33


Taylor's P.O.V.

So after we went to bother Brian within 5 minutes I got bored and was tired so me and Kenzie went to bed which is unusuall because we never go to sleep untill after 2 in the morning, but hey YOLO.

5 am comes around

"UGGGH I don't wanna get up!" I said sticking my head in the pillow

"Come on Tay you have to todays the day of the fight between pop's and wannabes for the bathroom!!" Kenzie said hitting me with her pillow like WTF??!?!?!?!

You, see every year we have this fight between girls and boys. Girlsis pop's and wannabes to see who gets the better bathroom. Pop's always win but theres more pop's on the wannabes team now so it's different to see which one they get. And boys is Jock's vs Geeks. Now your thinking Jocks always win rihgt??? NAHHH it's always the Geeks. But there's Geeks on the Jocks so it should be interesting bwcause they are on the math team and most jocks are on the football.

"I'm up!!" I shouted sitting right side up

"Good go get ready and be down staries in 20 minutes so we can beat them all to the left over pizza.." Kenzie said walking out

See I told you Kenzies mum was cool. She let's us have whatever we want for breakfast. So if we wanted Ice Cream we could have it but when there's pizza lose it's like playing manhunt. (AN It's a game you play in the dark!!)


"Kenzie there better be pizza down there for me to eat for my breakfast!!" I said running down stairs

'"There is, don't worry I didn't eat all of it!!!" She said as we giggld pileing pizza into the microvave.

25 minutes alter turned out to be an hour and a half later

"Kenzie and Taylor you didn't not eat all of that pizza!!!" Brian Lexi James and Hannah shout running downstairs

"OH BUT WE DID!" we shout from our hiding spaces

"YOU ARE SO DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" they shout looking for us

"CAN'T KILL US IF YOU CAN NEVER GUNNA FIND US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" we shout

"Oh really???" James said

"Yep...." I said popping my 'p'

"FOUND KENZIE!!!!!!!!!!!!" Hannah shouted from behind the chair

"DAMN IT!!!!!!" was all you heard her say before she was locked outside

See their mum leaves at 4:30 in the morning for work since shes an only parent. SO she dont' know what happens in the morning. WHICH IS  A GOOD THING!!!!

"Oh Taylor come out come out wherever you are!!!" Hannah and Lexi shouted/song. I have no idea where James and Brian got to. So my phone had to pick now to ring and all you heard was

"She looks at life like it's a party and she's on the list

She looks at me like I'm a trend and she's so over it

I think her ever-present frown is a little troubling

And she thinks I'm psycho 'cause I like to rhyme her name with things

But sophistication isn't what you wear or who you know

Or pushing people down to get to where you wanna go

They wouldn't teach you that in prep school so it's up to me

But no amount of vintage dresses gives you dignity

I'm just another thing for you

To roll your eyes at, honey

You might have him but haven't you heard

I'm just another thing for you

To roll your eyes at, honey

You might have him but I always get the last word"

Taylor Swift's revenge was for Louis and Niall and Harry and Liam and Zayn because I will get my 'Revenge' because their secret will leak out and that would be them bullying me sincencless.

"FOund you!!!!!!!!!" they sghouted pulling my out of underneath the counter.

"FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!" I screamed ansering my phone as I got puched out side might as well walk to school.

"Hello??" I asked into the phone

"HIii!!!" Harry said into the phone all happy. Why the fuck is he happy???

"Oh eww it's you!!" I said

"Yeah it's me in a flash!!"

"SCREW OFF STYLES!!" I said hanging up

"Who was that???" Kenzie asked as we walked past the park

"Harry ANNOYING Styles!!!" I said


How was it i wanted to right it longer but then i was usieng chapter 10 and i didnt want to soo yeahh











LATER good luck if ya havent gotten the hurricane if ur suppose too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My high school bullies kidnapped me *MAJOR EDITING STARTING IN JUNE*Where stories live. Discover now