Chapter 21:Blue like a Soul

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I watched as Stiles hurried up into the house and sighed.  I was so worried about him recently.  I mean, at first it was just the constant researching all night... but now I get the feeling that he's lying to me.  Actually no, I don't have a feeling, I know he's lying to me.  I know his tells.  He scratches the back of his head a lot when he lies.

I pursed my lips as I dug around inside my pocket for my phone.  I imediatly had an idea of who I wanted to call.  I clicked on Scott's contact and he answered almost imediatly.

"Yeah Derek?  What's up?" he asked with a hint of worry in his voice.  Normally when I call him it's about an emergency, though this is a close second to that.

"It's about Stiles" I admitted "I'm worried.  Do you think you could come over?"

"Sure, yeah.  Of course I can Derek" Scott stated confidently "What's going on with him?"

"I'll explain it all when you get here, and..." I murmured "can you bring Allison along with you.  She is his sister and if I can't get through to him, one of the two of you has to be able to."

"Alright, I'll be there in about 15 minutes" Scott afirmed before hanging up.


I explained everything to Scott and Allison from the constant research to the lying and watched as they took it all in.  They kept on nodding and my knee kept bouncing in anticipation as I waited for them to say something, anything.

"I'll admit that he is acting a bit weird, but I honestly feel like it's reasonable Derek" Allison was the first to speak up "I mean, as far as I can tell the boy is head over heals for you and before long your not going to be here anymore.  That can't be an easy thing to cope with."  I frowned as everything that she said made sense.

"It's not like I want to leave though.  I would give anything to stay here with him" I cried out quietly "but I need him to be okay.... I need to know that he's going to be okay when I'm gone- Please promise you'll be here for him."

"Of course I'll be for him, till the end Derek.  He's my best friend and I'm here with him throught thick and thin" Scott stated.

"We both are.  He's my brother, as weird as it is to think about it.  I'll help him find a way to make it through your death" Allison added and I smiled lightly, but I had a small burning sensation in my chest.

"I... I just think it's crap" I shook my head as I stood up and began to pace "I mean, after all the shit that Stiles and I have been through to be together.... it has to end like this..... heh, I guess not everyone gets a happy ending now do they?"  Scott frowned at me and suddenly the burning sensation flared up in my chest causing me to double over, coughing harshly.

"Derek, are you okay?" Scott shouted running over to me with Allison close behind.  I felt Scott's hand on my shoulder and brought my hand to my lips only to see a crimson red leaking onto them.  I heaved and blood started to come out in waves as I fell to the ground and it was as if I wasn't in control of my own body anymore.  My limbs began flinging every which way.

"G-et.... St-Sti---" I coughed, but couldn't form the words.  I was dying.....



After leaving Derek outside, I made my way up to the bedroom.  I shut the door quietly behind me, leaning up against it and sobbing.  It all came crashing down on me in that moment that he was dying.  What if I wasn't quick enough in learning how to save him from Bella.  It's only been one day and it already feels like it's taking forever.

"Well aren't you a sorry sight" I heard Bella snicker and I looked up at her with a glare.

"I'm sorry if my boyfriend is slowly dying and you don't know what the hell you're doing in helping me save him" I snapped at her.

"Hey, I never claimed to know not knowing what I was doing" she defended herself "We've just ran into a minor speed bump."  I ran up and shook her violently.

"Then let's get the hell over the freaking speed bump and hurry the damn process up" I shouted at her, hoping that Derek was still outside where he couldn't help me.  I was abruptly slammed back into the door by a black cloud of smoke.  I looked up to see Bella holding her hand out at me.

"Don't you dare touch me, boy" she threatened "we will get there when we get there.  We are still on track to saving Derek, but you have to stay calm or I will squash you like the annoying little bug you are."  I felt my shoulders shrink as my head fell.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so desperate.  I just need to know that Derek is going to be okay" I whimpered as a shiver traveled my body.

"It seems that the minor speed bump is that souls can now travel through you to get to the other side" the bad news as that you will feel a burning pain every time one does.  The good news is that it will fix itself when you finish the power process."

"And how long will it take to finish the power process?" I quizzed curiously.

"There's only one more step, but I have to get some things to prep for it first" she explained.  I looked up, opening my mouth to say more, but she was gone.  I sighed as I strolled over to the desk by the window, fingering all the pens and paper on it when I heard it.  His voice.

"Stiles..." Derek breathed and I felt a chill in my body.  Something was off in his voice.  My hand faultred on it's path on the desk as I slowly turned around.  My breath caught in my throat.  It was Derek, but it also wasn't Derek.  He was see through like a gas and he glowed faintly blue.... blue.... like a soul.

"NO!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as I finally peiced the puzzle together.  I fled to the door, staying as far from Derek as possible.  He wasn't going to leave through me, not now.  I raced down the hall and took the steps two at a time only to see Derek's body laying still at the body with a frantic Allison and Scott around him. 

"DEREK!" I screamed....

~        ~        ~        ~        ~        ~        TO BE CONTINUED        ~        ~        ~        ~        ~        ~


Hey guys, so there is chapter 21.  I hope you all enjoyed and I'll try and update again real soon. 

P.S. Sorry it's been so long since the last update, I've just been so busy.  Thanks so much for understanding guys and I promise I'll try and make updates more frequently now!  ^_^

The Truth, The Lies, and the Love~ Slowly Fading book 3 (Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now