Chapter Eight: Layout & Reunited

Start from the beginning

The backpack unzipped, and both Braedimus Prime and Kumiko Viktor climbed out of the backpack. The two of them nodded to one another, and they both scrambled up to the top of the bookshelf. Kumiko pushed aside an acoustic panel in the crowd, then crawled up through to the space in the tile, and next helped Braedimus get in through the ceiling.

"Very smart." Braedimus whispered in compliment. "Up in the crawlspace of the roof."

"This is one of the last places that Lotso would ever think of looking for any toys escaping here." Kumiko whispered back.

Before the two could move, they could see a silhouette of a figure ahead of them. Braedimus readied his sword, in case it's one of Lotso's goons. But, as he figure got closer, the Prime shined a headlight in that direction, revealing the figure to be...

"Daphne!" Braedimus rushed up, then brought the redhead in an embrace, Daphne almost in tears from seeing her Autobot boyfriend alive.

"Oh, thank goodness." Daphne breathed out. She nuzzled her forehead against Prime's helm, a smile on her face. "I was so worried about you." She then saw Kumiko walking up. "It's you... What are you doing here?" She asked, releasing her embrace.

"She's here to help us." Braedimus explained.

"How did you get past Lotso's goons?" Kumiko asked in surprise.

"Let's just say, I gave that octopus toy a good strike in the eyeballs." Daphne shrugged, her hands on her hips. "Then, I ran for the roof, and I've stayed up here the rest of the night. I didn't want to take the chance of even getting out with that plush bear about."

"That's my girl." Braedimus patted Daphne's head, making the purple redhead blush.

Just then, the three heard children shrieking in the distance. Braedimus shifted to truck mode to roll ahead, while the girls crawled along the ceiling behind him. They made their way over to where the noise was coming from. Braedimus shifted into robot mode, then placed the left side of his helm up against a tile to listen. Kumiko nodded to him, as if to say this is it. They pulled the ceiling tile up, seeing the Caterpillar Room below, and the trio dropped onto an empty reading loft, furnished with pillows and bean bag chairs.

Braedimus, Daphne, and Kumiko crept their way over to the edge of the loft, and they looked down to see the pandemonium before them. They watched on as every one of their friends were being thrashed, knocked about, kicked, chewed, and beaten, such as Rex being a hammer against a bongo drum, the Potato Heads smashed to the ground, scattering their parts, and Jessie was even thrown up against a wall, making her fall down it.

Braedimus and Daphne were horrified, while Kumiko hid her face behind her hands, and turned away

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Braedimus and Daphne were horrified, while Kumiko hid her face behind her hands, and turned away. Braedimus understood; this was what she went through all her life. As Daphne put a comforting hand on her shoulder, the trio heard what could be a toy phone's ringing. They turned around, and they saw the Chatter Telephone hiding in the corner by the window.

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