Adrian and Cole

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Ms. Belkin treated me to coffee before making the two hour drive out to Ms. Gwen's town home, it was on the outskirts of the city, much like Ms. Belkin and I are. Ms. Gwen's place had a spacious living room, there was minimal walls and everything was basically laid bare, of course, every door was closed, like there were secrets who were only ever meant to stay secret.

"Gwen, you're looking well," Ms. Belkin greeted Ms. Gwen as soon as she let us in, they hugged tightly, I stood awkwardly to the side, crossing my arms behind my back.

"You don't look too shabby either," Ms. Gwen winked at Ms. Belkin, then turned and smiled at me. "You must be... Damn, I know Bell told me your name, you'll have to forgive my memory, what was it again, darling?"

"It's okay, my name is Amara, it's a pleasure to meet you." I extended my hand out to her, but she brushed it aside and took me in a tight embrace, just like she'd given Ms. Belkin. When I looked over Ms. Gwen's shoulder, I could see the sympathetic look on Ms. Belkin's face. She could tell how greatly uncomfortable I was by being held like this.

"You know what your names? I read it on a baby naming website, when I was looking for the boys names, Amara means grace. It seems fitting for someone so lovely as you," She actually pinched my cheek, smiling so wide I thought her eyes would pop from her skull. This was the type of friend that Ms. Belkin hung out with?

"I'm sorry, did you say boys? As in, more than one?" I looked between Ms. Belkin and Ms. Gwen.

"Yes, my boys Adrian and Cole, they're twins. Is that going to be a problem somehow? Cole is the one I'm considering getting Bell here to talk to, but Adrian seems a little hard headed about the whole thing. He goes on and on about how Cole doesn't need to be subjected to a 'head doctor' as he says, that's it's just a guy thing. But I really do believe it's something more than that, and I want him to be comfortable talking to Bell." For the first time since we got here, Ms. Gwen sounded somber, matured, and completely sobered of her child-like behavior.

"That's more than understandable, and I take no offense either." Ms. Belkin stepped forward, placing a hand on my shoulder gently. "That's why I brought Amara with me, to set aside any worries your boys might have." I tried to offer as polite a smile as I could muster.

"For now, however, why don't we talk about why you'd like to consider Cole for a possible client of mine?" Ms. Gwen led Ms. Belkin and I to the kitchen, she poured us each a cup of tea, and we sat around the table, it was strange to see Ms. Belkin's contrast to Ms. Gwen, now that they were sitting across from each other.

Ms. Belkin had sleek, pin-straight black hair, she often wore it down because she thought it softened her facial features. Ms. Belkin had such sharp features; sharp cheekbones, sharp jawline, sharp bone structure. Her eyes were a glossy green color, she constantly looked like her mind was elsewhere. She wore pantsuits most of the time, even to bed I'd only see her in satin matching pajama sets. She was so high-class for a woman who made animal shaped pancakes.

Ms. Gwen also had black hair, but it was wavy and bouncy, it wasn't as dark as Ms. Belkin's. She wore a fitted blouse with the first few buttons at the top opened, exposing much of her neck and collarbone. She wore tight skinny jeans, and just the barest amount of makeup, she wasn't as thin or petite as Ms. Belkin, she had a few slim curves and the body of a mother who you'd never suspect was a mother. The most remarkable thing I noticed about Ms. Gwen, was her eyes - they were a soft, pale blue. Like clear skies and it made her ten times more approachable.

"My boys are both well behaved, they were commended for being good students when they were younger," There was a faint smile on Ms. Gwen's face, she was clearly thinking of her boys when they were small, cuter, and more obedient to her. "In the last six years, however, they've both been acting strangely." Ms. Gwen pauses, staring down at her cup, watching the warm liquid go in circles, as if that were the most interesting thing.

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