Chapter 29

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    During the dry spell of missions in Slenderman's mansion, you and your fellow Proxies grew ever more wary of the deadly Creepypastas that shared the home. While things carried on with their usual downtime schedule, there was talk of Jeff and Eyeless Jack considering their options - there was talk of killing Slenderman's supposedly abandoned Proxies. If those two made a decision to carry out such ideas, BEN and Laughing Jack would undoubtedly join in.
    By the fourth day of Slenderman's disappearance, even Toby was acting far more serious than you had ever seen him. Your team agreed to stick together so they wouldn't be picked off. It was a bit awkward, though, since you were the only female of the group. Bathroom tasks were anything but embarrassing, since at least one of the boys had to be in the room with you - in case BEN attacked. They at least had the decency to turn away, so long as you held a conversation with them to assure that you were still there. They didn't seem to like the situation, either, but it was all for safety's sake.
    As for sleeping accommodations, the four of you voted on sleeping in your room; it was the cleanest. There were 'watch' shifts, of course. Everyone fought for going first, just so they wouldn't have to be woken up. How long would this last, though? The only thing that kept your hopes up was that your master's brothers hadn't paid a visit to announce his status. Surely they would come to, essentially, adopt your team; they wouldn't waste experienced Proxies, right?
    By the sixth day, nothing had happened. There was the usual routine of training, cleaning, chores, etc. It was this day, however, things began spiraling into a time of true danger - a horror from the monsters' point of view.
    You had just finished lunch with the boys. The kitchen was cleaned and tidied up - not that there was much to dirty the place with, considering the dwindling supply of food. With a mighty need to use the restroom, you didn't feel comfortable with having to wait for your team to leave with you. Heck, the rumors of the Creepypastas turning on the Proxies seemed only that - a rumor - after two days of no actual threats from them. You felt safe enough to go on your own for a short while.
    As you swiftly made your way down the hall to the foyer, things seemed typical as ever. The gradual increase of gaming noise from the living room indicated BEN's usual presence. You smirked in relief that you could use the closer toilet on the first floor. About halfway down the hallway, though, is when all hell broke loose.
    He seemed to have phased through the front doors, but you were sure you saw his tall form flicker into existence. Your master stumbled into the foyer, falling to one knee in his exhausted state. At first, you weren't sure what you were seeing. Your feet had glued themselves to the floor, fighting your urge to run. It took a few moments to process the sight before you, but once it was all registered in your mind, everything came rushing back to normal speed.
    "Master!" You called, sprinting straight for the tattered and scathed being that struggled to rise from his knee. The word had slipped off your tongue so cleanly from the repetitive brainwashing you had received. As you closed in, the damages became clearer. There was an air of distortion over the Slenderman, but you couldn't determine exactly what it was. His clothes were dusty and frayed. His usual pristine condition was ruined by unkemptness. Whatever Slenderman had been doing these past several days, it was keeping him too busy for rest.
    Grabbing onto one of his shaking arms to support his weak body, you did your best to help your master to wherever he wished. All the while, you examined him with wide, disbelieving eyes, "What happened to you? Where have you been?" The questions escaped your lips without concern for your own well-being. If the Tall Man had any strength to strike you at the moment, he wasn't acting on it.
    The sounds of hurried boots drew closer to the foyer from behind you. Expressions of aw and shock sounded from your fellow Proxies as they gathered around. You barely noticed BEN standing by, watching in amazement that Slenderman had returned in such a condition.
    My room, came your master's voice, though it sounded inside your head, rather than broadcasted to everyone. The signal was weak, but you acknowledged and did what you could to help the tall being stand and walk.
    Hoodie took your place under one of Slenderman's arms, seeing as he and Masky were taller than you, it'd be easier to hold up your master. You and Toby followed close, helping in any way that you could. Not long before, you had discovered and explored the mansion's third floor. While most of the doors there were unlocked, one large door remained firmly locked. The mystery of its contents tickled your curiosity. Now, you were finally realizing what stood behind the tall, rosewood door.
    As soon as Slenderman's trembling hand turned the crystal knob and pushed the door ajar, you found yourself gazing with wondering eyes. Hoodie, Toby, and Masky were doing the same, though still trying to get your master to his bed. You were impressed, actually, that Slenderman even had a bed. You didn't think he slept.
    The frame and mattress were longer than any human-sized bedding. You weren't surprised, oddly enough, that he adorned the bedding with fine silks and cushions. The burgundy hue of the pillows and comforter emphasized their soft volume. There was barely a sound as Slenderman collapsed onto the bed, sinking into its feathery hold. In all, you saw your master as nearly pathetic. His weakened state left him barely able to adjust himself in the comforts of his own bed. You were almost ashamed to look at him, turning your head away to spy on what else was in the room.
    There were numerous forms of human luxuries, most of them scented items, fine arts, bonsai trees, and cases of literature. In one corner stood an old record player that was accompanied by a small collection of record disks. You wondered what music he had, certain that most of it was of the fine classical genre. In another wall was a large, walk-in closet, though the folding doors were pushed shut. The wall across from the room's main door held two large windows, each adorned with beautiful sheer curtains. In a way, you were somewhat disappointed by the room. A sliver of your curiosity hoped that there would be oddities unknown to the human realm - something as mysterious as your master's race.
    Leave, came Slenderman's invasive thought, startling you from your prying eyes. You turned your head to look at him for assurance, only to find the Slenderman lying still on his bed, head aimed to the ceiling. Toby gripped your shoulder as he walked by, guiding out into the hall with the rest of your team. They were all far too quiet.
    As soon as the door clicked shut, you heard the lock firmly set. Then, the laconism between the Proxies broke into a flurry of concerns and conspiracy.
    Toby gripped his hair, stricken with despair, "S-shit! He's n-never come back like t-tt-this before. Whatever happened to him was w-way out of our l-league!"
    "Those forum members found something that works," Hoodie pondered aloud. "What if we got ahold of it?"
    "This is our chance to be free!" Masky hissed with hushed excitement. "We just have to find a way back into the human world."
    "What t-the hell is wrong with-th you two?" Toby gawked in disgust at his colleagues. "We're not g-gonna abandon our m-master!"
    "Shut up! You may like it here, but the rest of us have been waiting for this chance."
    "You can stay here and be a slave."
    "We're not crazy, like you."
    "Maybe t-that's why you two n-never fit in."
    "Guys!" Your firm tone halted the three men's banter as they whipped their heads in your direction. "Master's powerful - on par with Zalgo, right? And the humans out there found a way to take our one defense against Zalgo from us. If our master gets cut from the picture, then what? We'd be worse off than before!" By now, you had grown used to the Proxy lifestyle. Most of it, you had begun to enjoy. Even with the demeaning and hurtful punishments here and there, you learned that Slenderman wasn't as bad as he seemed. He pushed his Proxies, yes, but you had all grown stronger because of it. You had become a stronger person, both physically and mentally. For that, you respected Slenderman - looked up to him, even. "This isn't the time or place to conspire against him."
    Giving a firm nod of approval, Toby offered you a fist-bump, to which you returned. The two of you glanced to Masky and Hoodie, who held their silence for a short while in thought.
    Hoodie was the first to speak up, releasing a heavy sigh before giving in. "Fuck! She's right. Even if we did take down our master, what's to stop his brothers or the other Creepypastas to get revenge?" He cursed again and turned his head away from you, all hope swept away so quickly.
    "There's no way we'd be able to go through with it," Masky lifted his mask and ran a hand over his face. "He'd read our minds and find out about the plot before we could carry out step one." The weariness in his eyes showed a slight indifference to the situation. He had been denied chances at freedom many more times before this.
    "What do we do now?" You asked, wanting to go back in to care for your master, but knowing you had been locked out for an undetermined amount of time.
    "We hurry up and wait," Hoodie replied.

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