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I was honestly thankful, I had the first half of the day off. U.A. was a huge campus (much bigger than I remembered) and I was glad Principal Nezu took off some time to show me around. I would have gotten lost for months, otherwise. I had gotten a small tour, my staff badge and all the paperwork I needed to go through.

I had also been introduced to the rest of the teachers that were currently not teaching any classes. Since we got to that part in the middle of class, there weren't that many. There was Present Mic, I remembered him from back in school. He was one year below me back in the day, but everyone knew him, no exception.

There was also Cementoss who was just on his lunch break. Everyone else was currently in some sort of class or off campus. I had taken some time to go back over my notes for my upcoming lesson while eating my sandwich. Which I generously spread all over the notes, more or less by accident.

I was really messy and clumsy on any regular day, but when I was nervous I was about ten times worse. And since I was trying to leave a good impression on my first day at my new job, I was extra nervous. Which meant that I would have cared that half of the food I had just tried stuffing into my mouth fell out again, just as the door to the teacher's room opened and someone walked in, looking straight at me.

The thing was that the person walking in was a dude with messy, long, black hair that looked like he hadn't slept in 10 years and any little thing could piss him off at any given time. Plus, he was carrying a massive, bright yellow sleeping bag around with him. Instead of being worried about how disgusting I was being or trying to hide the food falling out of my mouth, I just kept staring at this strange creature.

Like what the fuck. Was that a teacher? If yes, why did he bring a sleeping bag to work? And if not, what was he doing in the teacher's room (or even on the campus at all, since he was definitely too old to be a student) and why was he bringing a sleeping bag? And why did he look so damn tired?

"Ah, Aizawa! About time you're back, how is your new class?" Present Mic shouted from halfway across the room after he had jumped up. The man called Aizawa shot me a glare and then proceeded to walk the opposite direction of where Present Mic was standing. Only then I realized that half my sandwich was falling apart.

I quickly tried to limit the damage by looking down and sweeping up sandwich bits and quickly eating them, so people might forget about this faster. Even though I surely didn't get my hopes up about that. Present Mic passed me as he tried to get to this man who was now sitting down in a corner to get back into his sleeping bag.

"That bad, Eraser?" he asked. Eraser? Aizawa? These names sounded kinda familiar, did I know that guy? I really hoped I didn't, because he was pretty handsome and I just made myself look like an idiot.

"I'm just tired. Let me get some sleep." Aizawa answered.

"Only if you promise to tell me about it later. Oh and you missed our new colleague being introduced!"

Oh my God, not now, please.

"Oh my God, not now. Please." I heard Aizawa say. I looked up, a confused look on my face. Did... did he just...? Oh my God, what the hell was this guy's quirk? I really hoped it didn't have anything to do with reading people's minds, because I had just been contemplating what about him made him look so handsome. Fuck. I felt like at the back of my head, I kinda knew who he was, I just couldn't really put my finger on it.

"Oh, come on, it'll only take a second! It's Akane Takahashi, she was one year above us when we were students at U.A." Present Mic announced loudly. Dear God. This was really not the time.

"Takahashi, the sleepy guy here is Aizawa Shouta. Or Eraserhead, whatever you prefer." he added then. I looked over at Aizawa and gave him the most confident smile I could muster, given the current situation. I even waved at him quickly with my hand covered in mayonnaise.

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