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Ruhi's pov

Hey you their, well I am Ruhanika Sharma aka Ruhi and today I am turning sweet 17, soo.. Happy Birthday to mee. Yippy!! Well I am damn excited for today's plan. My only problem is that Di is not here. She is having her semester exam and I miss her a lot; and about me, well, just say I had a dramatic past. My parents left me when I was 5 and yesterday was there 12th death anniversary; and u may feel I am mad to be happy about my birthday when just yesterday I was mourning over my parents who left me 12 years ago. Now u tell me, should I sit all gloomy and instill pain on my living parents because of those who left me 12 years back ?? I don't think that's right. This the only thing I can give Mummy Papa, after all, they have done a lot for me. 

Confused? Well, let me clear. Long story, short. After my parent's death, my choti Ma and chote Papa adopted me; and this is no Cinderella story that they treat me like slaves, etc. In fact, I am their Princess..

We moved from my birthplace Delhi to Mumbai. Papa (chote Papa) took over the business and now its one of the successfully running business all over the country. I am so proud of him. Mama, on the other hand, is a college lecturer; she is usually all jolly, but once she is strict, then everyone got to listen to her. And then there is my Di, my life. One of the best things that happened in my life. We are like open books who could read each other soo well; she knows when I am sad or when I am too excited , she is too responsible and feels that everything under the sky is her responsibility. She is more like a mother, a friend, than a sister. We're  like, what they call soul sisters. She is my life, but well today, she is not here...

"Ruhi, get ready.  Don't u have to go to Aashna's house?"

"Ma, one second. Let me complete this recording naa??"

"This girl! Will u stop this recording? This is why I asked Rajeev to not get you this video cam. Now they are  organizing a party for you; and, you are going to be late for your party. What excuse will u give them?"

"That...  Late a vanthaalum latestaa veruvaan! "[ a Rajinikanth dialogue to all the Rajni fans out there]

"Now now, when did u learn Tamil?"

"Mama, your daughter is multi-talent. Didn't you get it till now? "

"Now Miss multi-talented, if you're done with your self-appraisal, get ready."

"Maa, it's a surprise party. If I go early, there will be no fun na?"

"What surprise party and you know about it? Wow! Now what's the surprise in this?"

"Well Alisha you know is absent-minded she sent me a message instead of ash, stating about today's party and quickly deleted it but to her bad luck I so them and acted as if nothing was done I didn't want to spoil her party so now acting surprise would work "

"Ok now get ready and come by 8 am. Am I clear? "

"Ok mama love u"

"Love u too my princess and happy happy birthday always stay happy like this my child" tears flowed by her eyes and I knew she was thinking about her brother and Bhabhi after all I looked a lot similar to my mom.

"Mama no more emotional drama what will your students think that their prof is a cry baby I surely need to tell them this. "

"Dare you Ruhi your not going to do any such things, you sending them a video of me singing is more than enough"

"Ji ma'am "

A small drop of tear left my eyes seeing  mama leave, after all who more than me could have known how strong she was. If not for her stern decision than I would have been put into some orphanage labeled as the cursed child by her so-called relatives.

Di I miss you, your  the only one who can give me the support. Why did u have to leave for college?

"Ruhi did u get ready "



It was 8:30 by the time Ruhi reached to knock on the doors of her house.

Ma had asked me to be here by 8, I hope papa is there to save me today. Please god save me this last time, today is my birthday don't make it the worst day of my life – thought Ruhi

The door opened to reveal a smiling Neelima and Rajeev welcoming their daughter

"Papa "Ruhi went and hugged her dad "why is ma smiling so wild when I am late by half an hour . "what happened papa" whispered Ruhi to her dad

" hey its your birthday I don't think she would mind today "

" papa you know your Neelu better than me "

" hey you both what's going on there" inquired Neelima

" nothing neeluuu" Ruhi screamed while climbing stairs to get to her room

"Today was indeed a tiring day, thank god I was saved , I couldn't have handled kali neelu but why was ma so happy hmm will inquire, let me get fresh first, " said Ruhi

While getting to her bathroom she felt someone's presence and suddenly out of nowhere a hand touched her shoulders she was about scream when suddenly

" what's your last wish my lady "

Now how could I not recognize this voice thought Ruhi

"Dii!! u gave me a mere heart attack! "

" happy birthday choti"

" Dii when did u reach? why was I not told about it? and what about ur exams ?"

" oh god, calm down tigress answer to your first question I reached by 8.15 thank god you came late otherwise I could'nt have witnessed this strong tigress turning into bigi billi(scarry cat) and second it was a surprise so you were not told about it and thirdly my exams went well and why would I ever miss my choti's birthday so I took up the next bus after my exam and see now I am here, " said Juhi

Ruhi engulfed her sister in a bone-crushing hug

" love u dii. I missed u a lot"

"Yaya di ki chamchi as soon as she arrived you forget us right" neelima complained

" oh my neelu ma is getting jealous uh," Ruhi said and high fived her father "

" you will never change Nah," said Neelima

" do you need me to change ma " enquired Ruhi with her famous pout

" no ,never always be the same " replied Neelima

" ya my princess should always be happy and lively like this, " said Rajeev

"Haan my bigi billi don't change yourself okay" teased Juhi

" dii when did u start all pranking stuff, it was my field na"

"well benefits of being your elder sis. NOW what about a cake cutting " said Juhi exited.

" cake cutting now di!!" ruhi exclaimed.

" Hey it's just 9.00 we have 3 more hours for your birthday to end now if u don't want your double chocolate crunch choco cake, then well I will finish those" juhi teased her

" anything for my cake ,yummy!!!"

" hey you didn't even taste those how come its yummy" chided Neelima

"Ma now you know chocolate is my first love and this is my fav,how wouldn't it be yummy!"

After all the cake cutting party their parents left them, Ruhi finally slept in the embrace of her dear sister who she loves more than her life



Trying to correct them..



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