Chapter Seven: We Belong

Start from the beginning

"I know."

Ian's cheeks gleamed red and rested his head on hers. Moments like these are the ones Raylee cherishes most of all. Why she feared to tell him she loves Ian.

Barley watched from the distance standing next to dad and if course snatched some pictures making sure flash was off. He hopes that Raylee gets this burden off her chest now but knowing Raylee that's getting his hopes up for them.

"Say, how many times have you used that dagger?" Ian brought up breaking the crickets.

She chuckled, "That was my first." Raylee pulled it out and switched it open.

Ian's eyes grew in shock as it shined in the light. His pointer finger reached out to gently touch the smooth surface part.

"Hey! Be careful there bud!" She pulled it away gently and clicked it so it slid back inside. "Don't wanna lose a finger or some skin there."

"So, that was your first time actually using it?"

She hums, "Yeah, been hiding in my nightstand drawer."


"Do you really wanna go there now sis?" Her brother Cade made her pin-up against the wall. He is yet giving her too many demands making her feel overwhelmed. She already cleaned the house and yet now he wants her to buy groceries.

Raylee shivered and tried to reach out for that dagger her father gave her. She opened the back zipper and opened it.

"Do you want to go there, bro?" She rose her eyebrow and swung over slitting her brother's arm and dashed out of the house leaving him there to bleed.


The memory played in her mind as her words straight up lied to her best friend yet again. It caused her lip to curl in. She looked over noticing Ian was absent but was behind her not too far away from dancing all dork like with Barley and his dad.

She loves the sight of him being happy. It warms her heart. Raylee threw in the dagger and zippered up her bag. She joined them and danced around with the two brothers. Slipping out her phone she played music to lighten the mood more up.

Her feet moved swiftly to the best as Ian was the only one who seemed like he didn't know how to dance. Raylee spun around swiftly over to him and took both of his hands and smiled kindly. Barley made a turning arm around motion singling Ian what to do.

Raylee helped guided his feet as his eyes were down on them. She shook her head and left his chin up with her pointer finger gently. He chuckled awkwardly.

"Nope, look at me. My eyes are here." She took his hand.

He nods and inhales, "Sorry I am not good at this."

"That's why I am here to guide you, dummy!" She cheered on.

Ian grinned and let go to gently hold her back. They took steps back and forward. Though of course, Barley had to budge in and adjust Ian's arm.

Ian groaned, "Barley." He sighed.

"Right sorry." He cleared his throat and took a step back continuing to dance along with his dad.

Raylee looked into his brown eyes. She felt like she was losing herself in them as they seemed to dazzle. Ian spun her around gently. Her cold hand is warming up while holding his. Her whole body is feeling warmer. Her heart is skipping beets wondering if he is too.

"Indore, " Raylee called him by his full name.

"Yeah?" He asked knowing she's serious about something.

It is like she lost all of her thoughts at this moment. "I am... I-"

Am in love with you. Say it! Say it! Damn it!
Say it! I can't ruin our friendship.

"Gotta go! Burning too much time you two!" Barley interrupted the two. Sure he might be the one encouraging her to tell him her feelings but yet he interrupts. It is true. They were killing too much time here.

Ian let go and sighed, "Always ruin everything." He cursed at himself.

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