Chapter Six: Magic

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Song for chapter
  Magic: The Cars
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Since diving so fast away it caused them to run out of... well, magic gas so Barley says. Around this time Raylee starts to wake up. Her eyes flutter open slowly. She hears the boy's voices and nearly forgets where she is. Once she remembers she hummed slightly in relief.

Ian is starting to get off his seat but then notices her awaking. He smiled sheepishly, "Hey, you. Are you feeling alright enough?"

Raylee slowly sat upon his lap and held her head for a second before letting go. She took a few deep breaths. The girl seems to be fine.

"Never been better!" The teenaged light violate elf grins holding up a thumbs up.

"Great! Now we're gonna need to do some magic to grow the gas dispenser or whatever. Come on." He pats her back.

She nodded and hopped off and went to the sliding door. Raylee giggled letting the pair of legs out first. Ian grabbed the gas container and placed it down.

"It's just a simple growing spell! Okay here is what you say, Marmora Gaduon."

Ian held out the wizard staff and placed his legs far apart. "Here we go, focus."

Raylee stood aside Barley and crossed her arms. She looked over to their dad but still couldn't help but to snort due to his disguise. Barely made a noise. He held in and smiled widely. Raylee gave him a strange glare.

"Something wrong?" Ian asked rather annoyed.

"Yeah, he's being weird," Raylee answered.

"Sorry, it's just your stans are..." He walked over, "Here, chin up, elbows out, feet apart, back slightly arched." You could hear his spine crack due to that pose.

Raylee made a grossed out expression and turned around, "Yeah, no." She shook her head and pulled out her phone.

"How does that feel?" Barley asked backing away.

"Great!" Ian answered in an almost pain like tone.

"Wait, one more thing." He went over to adjust his feet.

Ian looked over annoyed, "Barley!" Yet he then again adjusted his elbow. Ian did not even bother at this point and raised the staff. 
"Marmora Gaduon!" Without luck, the staff started glowing. Along with the gas container starting to grow.

Raylee turned around. She slipped her phone in her pocket and stood aside from Ian in a few distance. She was amazed at all of the luxurious blue colors. Barley of course started to mess things up for him. She looked back and forth between the two.

"Just stop talking!" She let out.

"Ray, Barley, ah! Forget it!" Ian swings the staff away.

Raylee stumbled back not wanting to be aimed at. Yet Barley was. It is quite for a few seconds before the two heard little Barley screaming with joy.

"It worked!" He exclaimed and scattered on over, "The can is huge! The van is huge! You two are also... oh no."

Raylee and Ian shared a glance at each other. She looked down at tiny Barley and awed. Pulling out her phone she snatches a photo. "So cute!" She giggled.

"No time! Gotta find a gas station!" Ian looked around. There is one not too far down the road. He snatched the can along with his dad. Raylee quickly went to the van to get her bag and caught up.

It was silence between the three for a while. The night traffic on the far high way and the crickets helped the space between them.

Ian looked at her, "Hey, I don't want you to feel like we didn't care for you enough to put you in a hospital or to at least get checked out."

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