Chapter Seven: We Belong

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Song for chapter:
We Belong - Pat Benatar

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Once they were far away enough the four went back on the path appeal. While Ian said earlier the expressway is faster. That may be true but it's not always in the long run. They pulled over to practice some more spells. A lifting spell.

Raylee took her time apart from them for a while and sat on the curve. If anything she feels like she is almost intruding their quest. It feels like more of a family thing. A brotherly quest. Not a drag your best friend along quest.

"Wingardim Leviosa!" She could hear Ian behind her not that many meters away trying to cast a levitation spell.

Why am I here? Raylee thought to herself as she held her bag close to her chest. I shouldn't be. I almost got in the way by just standing in that burning down building coughing nearly dying. I got in the way.

Barley sighed as he didn't quite get the spell.
"You need to focus."

"I am trying!" Ian shouted in frustration. He groaned facepalming.

Barley then looked over noticing Raylee wasn't around. He then spots her sitting on the curve and smiled weekly.

"Hey, we've been practicing for a while. Take a break bro. Also, Ray might need a friend right now."

Ian gave Barley a confused look then turned around. He saw her sitting alone and took a sighed. "Fine. Alright." Ian agreed and went over.

You shouldn't even be here right now!

"Raylee," Ian said interrupting her thoughts.

The light purple elf wiped her left eye slightly and sniffed. She hummed, "Y- Yeah?" Raylee's voice stammered.

"May I, sit here?" He chuckled and caressed his neck sheepishly.

She just nods slightly watching him sit down. The far high way traffic and crickets broke the silence between them. Raylee leaned back slightly looking up at the twinkling stars. Ian places his dad's wizard staff aside him.

"Never thought you'd own a dagger knife." He looked over to her. His eyes glimmered as the stars from above caused his eyes to somehow shine. The almost they were under glowed just enough.

Raylee chuckled, "My father gave it to me for protection. So I brought it along thinking hey, we might need this."

Ian smiled, "You weren't wrong. So, when will your dad come back from the Army?"

"Who knows, Ian. He comes at random times. Sometimes once a month. Sometimes a few visits per year." She sighed, "It's almost like having no parents at all." Raylee held her knees.

"At least you have both of your parents." Ian looked back up at the sky sadly.

She felt that burn her heart. Crumbling it.
"Sorry." She mumbled looking away.

Ian then glanced back over frowning. He placed a hand on her shoulder. "No. I am. Sorry, it's just-"

"I know." Raylee looked over smiling weekly. She sat up straight releasing her knees. Ian removed his hand from her shoulder as she let herself fall on his shoulder gently.

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