Chapter Four: It Begins

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Song for chapter
Taylor Swift: Daylight

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It's been at least half an hour since she was at the Lightfoot's. Raylee just decided to start her homework after she vented to her diary. Once she was almost done with a worksheet she got a text from Barely.

"Come asap! You won't believe what happened! Also, pack your bags. Were going on a quest!" Raylee read out loud and shook her head.

"Here we go again." She sighed standing up and grabbed a bag.

She packed the essentials. Hand sanitizer, water, snacks, her phone, charger, her diary and something to write with. Raylee looked back at her dresser. The violet elf went over and pulled out the dagger which her father gave her for protection. Raylee started at it. This type of dagger could cut through anything. Even metal. If they found themselves into any real danger tonight she could use this for their safety. She sighs throwing it in her bag and hid it way in the bottom.

She threw on a dark green jacket and slipped on her shoes and headed over to their place.
Arriving, the light purple elf knocked on the door but it only opened slightly. She peeked in and looked around.

"That's odd, Ian? Barely?" Raylee hollered.

Blazey looked scared out of the creature's mind. That made Raylee even more worried. The house seemed quite. Almost too quiet. Especially for these twins. She went to the guest room to which she remembered seeing them go in earlier. Raylee slammed the door open.

"Okay, we only have 24 hours to bring back the rest of Dad." Ian set his time. He jolted to the door slam and sighed in relief to the sight of Raylee. "I- I thought you were mom!"

Raylee shook her head and looked at the only bottom half running around the room. It nearly freaked her out. "Not the point, so adventure?" The room was messy. Papers everywhere. A lamp on the floor.

"Oh, yeah! Were going on a quest!" Barley wrapped his arms around them.

They furthermore headed to the Guinevere. Somehow they managed to walk the pair of legs and feet outside. Ian thought smartly and grabbed Bazely's leash. The three and a half got in the purple van.

Barely took the wheel and buckled up. Ian and Raylee made a disguise for his too half so he looked more respectable.

"You know, he could be blind." She placed a finger under her chin.

"Dad looks great! Just like I remember!" Barley looked back.

Raylee giggled and took a seat as Ian went up in front. She didn't mind sitting without a seatbelt. Sure it was unsafe but unless if he were driving fast she should be fine.

"So what's the plan?" Ian asked Barley.

His older brother grinned, "First we go to find the Manticore! Hidden deep within the forest is where we would find the!"

"Again, Dongen's and–"

Barley cut Raylee off being generally too excited. "Oh, man! I can't wait! Oh hey, this is a book with all of the info you need." He slapped it into Ian's lap.

He stiffened and sighed flipping open a page and spun the chair around. Raylee got up to take a peek. While all of this was happening their father was just walking around clumsily. Raylee looked up at him and smiled slightly. She then looked down as Ian flipped pages.  It was all filled with how creatures once we're.

"All of this is fake now." Raylee snorted.

Ian looked up at her, "Honestly, who knows at this point, Ray. We need to get the crystal in order to bring Dad back on time." He sighed.

Her face softened and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I am sure you are gonna see the rest of him."

Ian did not respond. He was just caught up in like a web of thought. Starting at the mystical creatures that once hold powers. Raylee frowned sadly. She hated catching sight of Ian sad. If anything it put her in a shitty mood as well.

Raylee's thoughts started to fill her mind as she could bear to look at the boy. She let out a rough sigh and went in the back to sit down. She started staring at her hands as they are placed on her light shade of pink pants.

The van grew quite. Her thoughts wandered and didn't seem to stop. She wants to help Ian but it seems like he needs to be left alone for now. Their father eventually sat down next to her. She smiled slightly and rested her head back. Her eyes shut gently. Only Ian's smiles came to mind. It burned her nearly.

"I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you
I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you
I've been sleepin' so long in a twenty-year dark night
And now I see daylight, I only see daylight."

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