"Child! Watch your tongue! Hecate destroyed my children back then due to the murder of her champion. No matter how much you hate that boy, you cannot even think about touching him," he said gravely.

"Why? What's so special about him? Apart from being the ti-eglor, I mean," I asked.

"That boy is not ordinary. He has mastered magic better than the elder witch. He is the current champion of Hecate and if anything were to happen to him, you will have to face her wrath!" I could detect the panic in his voice.

"She has already destroyed my life, my Lord. My mother died because of her when I was only nine years old. I grew up in a cold house listening to the elders and doing my best to be a queen to my people. I carry the burden of my clan and the knowledge of my death all because of her. How much more can she ruin me?"

He didn't respond. He probably didn't have an answer. After a moment, I realized that he was gone. I sighed and picked up my uniform to get dressed. I guess I really did need to control my tongue.

The clock struck seven. I was relieved I didn't have any classes this morning. I looked at the mark and decided to do something productive. I was going to find a vampire.


Vampires were known to be sensitive to sunlight. During their years at Adelmiro Circle, they constantly trained themselves to fit in better. Yet, if vampires were not obligated to it, they seldom mingled with others, preferring to remain in dark, dank and miserable places. The location that best fit that description here was the dungeon under the main edifice of stone.

Without my energy, I was just a human which meant that vampires were a threat to me, just as the sirens were. But I didn't exactly have a choice. I left a brief note to my roommates whom I hadn't officially met yet, and strode towards my destination. There were no guards for the dungeons as it was not used for the same purpose it was built for. It was just a common space for all vampires, male and female.

I pushed open the heavy iron gate and descended down the stairs. The sound of water dripping at regular intervals echoed through the dark unknown. I didn't have nocturnal sight so I fumbled around trying my best to not topple down. As my foot stepped on the floor, I saw light somewhere ahead of me, I could also hear faint noises. I moved in that direction.

On my left, was a chain of empty prison cells with iron bars. On my right, torches hung low from the ceiling. Shadows danced around as I walked forward and my heart finally realized that I was in potential danger.

I couldn't help but curse Ryne. If only my energy wasn't sealed, I would have killed that bastard. Because of him, I had to kiss up to pathetic creatures and act subservient to them.

"I don't care what you think, get it done."

Was that Ryne? It sure sounded like him. I swerved left and walked towards the dead end and the voices grew louder. At the very end was a mahogany door. Unlike the others, this wasn't a cell but a chamber. The door seemed heavy and had a thick iron belt running across it attached with bolts. Just as I neared the door, the voices completely stopped and gave rise to an eerie calm. My heart drummed against my chest as I knocked.

"Come in," I heard a booming voice.

I pushed the door open. The chamber was spacious and a dozen torches created a warm glow inside. The shelves had various showpieces. The walls were covered with portraits of random vampires biting girls who looked away seductively. There were only a few pieces of furniture here.

Ryne was sitting cross-legged across another boy with shoulder length auburn hair. The boy was a vampire no doubt. Sharp fangs jutted out of his mouth and rested on his ruby lips. However, aside from that anomaly, he looked much like a regular teenager. He was pale, had green eyes and a charming face, well if you ignored the teeth.

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