1. Kisa

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Kisa grabbed the large theatre light sitting on the floor beside her. She had come into the Drama Club early to set up the lights before any of the actors and dancers arrived. As a large carnivore, Kisa understood that her presence could be seen as intimidating. Even so, the white tiger tried her best to get along with the herbivores. Luckily, her confident and determined nature enabled Kisa to gain the trust of the Club.

There was only one other student in the Drama Club that understood what she was going through, Legosi, a grey wolf. The two had been friends since primary school and felt comfortable around each other. They didn't speak a lot, but that was due to Legosi's seemingly awkward and naïve nature. Legosi had once confided in her about why he acts so timid, as to not alarm the herbivores.

Kisa wished that she had as much discipline as Legosi did. It would have come in handy, especially around other carnivores that blatantly disrespected herbivores and joked about eating them. Kisa had gotten into many fights over this subject and had learnt the name 'Herby'. She wore it like a badge of honour. Although the antithesis of Legosi the pair decided to join the Drama Club together as a way to spend time together.

Heaving the light to her shoulder, Kisa stumbled a few steps to it's mount and placed it in the holder. The door below her swung open and students started pouring in. They gathered in two seemingly perfect groups – carnivores and herbivores. Kisa's tail flicked in annoyance, they were going to fight again. Since a student was found dead in the school, seemingly eaten by a carnivore the day before, the Club was full of eggshells, and people were ready to step on them. The room fell silent as she walked to the stairs, but Legosi stopped her.

"Maybe it's not the best time to get in-between them." He mumbled.

"Yeah, I'm sure Louis will deal with it." Kisa replied, moving to lean on the balcony.

The supervisor walked in and noticed the sudden accusatory atmosphere. Fretting, he tried his best to calm the students but to no avail. Suddenly, in walked Louis, the infamous red deer and talk of the school. At the sight of him, Kisa's cheeks warmed and she swallowed hard. She didn't want to sound cliché, but she had caught feelings for the school celebrity since she had joined the club. But, she knew she couldn't have him, regardless of what she felt.

Her dilemma went far beyond the fact that he was a herbivore and she was a carnivore. It was the fact that her best friend, Haru, was in love with him and was already seeing him privately. Louis didn't know that she knew, but as Haru's one and only real friend, the small dwarf rabbit confided in her. Regardless, Kisa was desperate for any attention from the perfect deer. She'd feel guilty for meddling with Haru's affections, but the two weren't official...

While she had zoned out thinking about Louis, said deer had calmed down the Club. He announced that another would replace Tem, the student who had died's, role. Legosi nudged her side and broke her from her thoughts.

"I need to go fix up the new costume, can you handle lighting today?"

Kisa nodded, letting Legosi go. She sat up there, hunched over the railing and watched the performers warm up. The sound of someone coming back up the stairs caused Kisa to turn around. It was Louis! Standing up straight, Kisa tried her best to look cool.

"Oh Louis, how may I be of service?" She smiled, showing some of her teeth.

"You're always very polite and not afraid to be a carnivore, Kisa." He started, approaching her.

Kisa covered her mouth sheepishly, it was rude to show teeth to a herbivore.

"Don't. Don't cover your mouth. You should be able to be you, at least in my presence. I encourage individuality." Louis spoke confidently; he always knew how to make someone feel better.

"If you say so..." Kisa blushed slightly.

"Now about what you can do for me. Come into my office, we need to talk privately." Louis turned his back to her and started towards the steps.

In his 'office' Louis had already instructed Tem's replacement to wait for him. Kisa stepped inside and closed the door, waiting patiently. The room was silent. Louis broke the quiet space with a line from the play and asked the poor goat to say his new line, but he couldn't.

Louis got violent and squeezed the snout of the helpless animal. Kisa had never seen Louis so angry. She wanted to intervene, but didn't want her stature to worsen the situation. The goat pleaded, promising to have his lines learnt by the next day.

"That's why we're going to sneak into the auditorium to practice tonight." Louis stated.

"What?" Kisa was caught off guard.

"This fool needs practice. Bring the other lighting operator with you." Louis demanded.

Seeing this as an opportunity to spend more time with Louis and gain some favor with him, Kisa accepted. The goat shuffled out of the room leaving the two alone. Louis looked up at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Still here?" He asked.

"I just wanted to make sure the lighting in the last rehearsal was okay. Legosi and I tried to only operate one side of the stage each. We think it, uh, went okay?" Kisa always spoke her mind and ran with what she was feeling.

"It was fine, maybe make the movement more fluid." Louis approached her and touched her arm.

Kisa inhaled sharply, wondering if she should try her luck.

"Make sure you follow me across the stage." Louis pressed, bringing his head closer to hers.

She let a hand snake up his side, making him shiver slightly. "Of course, I wouldn't want the star to stray from the spotlight."

Kisa was confused about her ability to switch from schoolgirl crush to seductive young adult.

"You aren't afraid to be hands on with a herbivore, you've got guts." He stepped in, practically making them connect with the wall.

"You approached me, so what does that say about you." Kisa hummed, smirking.

"What is it that you want from me?" Louis tried to keep the momentum going, being with a carnivore was exciting – especially one that could challenge him.

"I actually want to be a surgeon." Kisa said breaking the mood.

"What?" Louis recoiled.

"We probably shouldn't do this during club time, the others will be suspicious." She started heading for the door. "I want to help everyone and be seen as a carnivore that is able to smell and see herbivore blood and not act on primal instinct."

Kisa opened the door. "Maybe we can continue after practice tonight?" 

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