Chapter 12

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(Jake's POV)
I was sick. I knew that the first time I threw up, but I didn't know it was this bad. I wish it wasn't this bad. Rylee and T.J together. That was a mission accomplished to me. I knew they were good for each other, and I knew they would help each other if and when I die.
Rylee keeps telling me that I'll get better. Everyday since we left the hospital she's been telling me, "you'll get better, Jake." "We'll get through this together." "You're not going to die, Jake." I just wish I could believe her. She's like a sister to me, and I know that her and Elisa are close. Elisa tells me that Rylee tells her everything, and I'm glad they have that kind of relationship.
They're all going to need someone when I die. I wish I could make this stupid disease go away so I could be happy with them. I watch T.J and Rylee interact, it's been a month that they've been together. You can see in their eyes how much they care for each other. If I were honest, I would say I was jealous of their relationship. I wish I could have a girlfriend, but I don't want to be in a committed relationship and then die.
Elisa has this guy that's interested in her, and she likes him. His name is Myles. The same guy that T.J was jealous over. He isn't jealous anymore, they're actually friends, but he's still as protective as ever, constantly threatening him if he gets close to Elisa. Rylee tries to get him to ease up on her, telling him that's she's a kid and should be able to live her life. T.J always disagrees, saying that she's his little sister and he doesn't want her to get hurt. It's kind of amusing actually.
Today, we're all going bowling. I declined the offer to go at first, but finally have in when all three of them started begging. "So, who do you think is going to win?" Elisa asks from next to me in the car. "Definitely me," T.J replies, earning a whack on his arm from Rylee. I chuckle at them. "Don't be conceded," she snaps, but I know she's teasing. "Sorry, love, it's just how I am," he replies. "Please no pet names while we're around," I beg, disgusted. Elisa and Rylee chuckle, and I see T.J's face turn red.
We arrive at the bowling ally, and we all get out. Elisa loops her arm through mine and T.J takes Rylee's hand. Honestly, I'd consider T.J a little possessive over Rylee. Whenever a guy looks at her, he'll immediately put his arm around her waist and pull her closer to him, while glaring at the guy. Rylee just rolls her eyes and goes along with it.
We get our shoes and walk to our lane. As we're walking some guy stops Rylee. "Is that really you?" He asks her. "Excuse me?" She replies. T.J's arm instinctively wraps around her, and the boy catches the movement. "It's Ryan, Ryan McDonnell," he tells her. Her eyes widen a little and she moves closer to T.J. Who is this guy? "Right, haven't seen you since, what tenth grade," she says awkwardly. "Yeah, it's been a while, how have things been?" He asks. "Um, Ryan, this is my boyfriend, T.J," she introduces, changing the subject. T.J just nods at him, watching him carefully. "Oh, hi, nice to meet you," Ryan greets, his voice sounding a little different. "Um, how are your parents?" She shifts uncomfortably, "they're dead." "Oh, sorry. They, um, we're great. I guess I'll see you around then. Nice seeing you again," with that he walks off. "Who was he?" T.J asks. "My ex-boyfriend," she answers. "I haven't talked to him in two and a half years." "You counted?" He asks, as we continued walking. "Don't be like that," she states. "Like what? I'm just curious," he replies sitting on the chair in our lane. I can tell he was trying not to get angry or act jealous, but I can see it in his eyes. She sighs and sits next to him, "no, I didn't count. The last time we talked was in tenth grade, I just did the math then." He sighs, "alright."
The rest of the day he was quiet towards Rylee. She'd try and talk to him, and he'd answer shortly. I could tell it was hurting her. Finally, I couldn't take it. "T.J can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask. He looks at me and nods, then follows me outside. Once we get outside I snap, "what is your problem?" "What do you mean?" He asks. "Don't play stupid! You're hurting her, can't you see?! How was she supposed to know her ex would be here? She's completely into you, and only you. Can't you see that? She wouldn't leave you!" I snap. He looks down, "I don't like seeing her with guys she's had a past with. They make me jealous that I couldn't have been with her before." "So you ignore her? You should be trying to make up for it, not ignoring her," I reply harshly. "You're right," he admits. I nod, "I'm glad you realize it." What would they do without me?
(Rylee's POV)
"Why is he ignoring me?" I ask Elisa, after the boys went outside. "He's jealous," she relies simply. "Of what? Im his girlfriend, there's nothing to be jealous of," I state. "Well, Ryan. He didn't like that you had dated him before. I don't know, he's weird," she replies. I sigh, and look at my hands. "Look, Ry, I wouldn't worry about it. He'll get over it and everything will be fine and dandy," she comforts. "Are you sure?" I ask. She nods, "I'm positive. Look here he comes. Ready, 3...2...1..." She points at him. "Rylee, can we talk?" He asks, making Elisa give me an I-told-you-so look. "Sure," I reply and follow him outside.
We walk to the car, and I sit on the hood, and he stands in front of me. "I'm sorry," he apologizes. "I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I-I just get jealous over guys you had a past with, because I wish I was the one to be there for you and not them. I'm sorry for ignoring you. I was acting stupid and childish." I look at him, "it's okay, I understand." He looks down, "I don't like fighting." "Me neither," I agree. He smiles up at me, "see, I'd kiss you right now, but there's kids." He nods his head towards the two kids watching us out of the car window. I chuckle and kiss him on the cheek, "come on, let's go back inside." He nods and takes my hand, and we walk back inside.
I can't believe tomorrow would be one month of us being together. I wonder if he remembers?
(The next day)
One month. It's been one month that T.J and I have been together. The thing is, he forgot. He hasn't said anything about it, hasn't acted any way different. He's just acting as if it were just any other day.
I was sitting on my bed, talking to Elisa about it. "Maybe you should tell him," she suggests. I shake my head, "no, I'd rather him not know than for me to have to actually tell him. I mean he went out with Jake today to go play football, he obviously either doesn't know, or just doesn't care." She sighs and pats my knee, "guys can be so stupid sometimes." I nod, "I just wish he would've remembered."
(T.J's POV)
One month. I've been dating Rylee for a month. It's been so hard not telling her anything, she probably thinks I've forgotten. I haven't though. I've been so nervous about today for the past week, I want to show her how special she is to me. Jake keeps reminding me not to say anything, it's supposed to be a surprise. We told the girls we were going to go play football, but really he's helping me set up for tonight. We didn't tell Elisa, because we knew she'd end up spilling to Rylee, though I plan to text her to get Rylee ready without saying why.
I have an hour before we're ready so I text her now.

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