Chapter 11

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(Rylee's POV)
"I need you, Rylee. You're the only one able to keep me sane through this. I need you," he tells me. I could feel my heart snapping, I didn't know what to say. So, I just hugged him tighter. I wanted to say, 'I need you too' but the words just didn't come, though they were true.
After hugging each other for a little while longer, I step back and look up at him, his eyes were red from crying. "W-we should go inside. Jake is awake and we should be there for him," I tell him. He nods, "I know I sound like a childish idiot when I say this, but can I hold your hand?" I smile at him gently and slip my hand into his, and he laces our fingers together as we walk back inside.
I ignore the harsh looks I get from the nurse at the front, but apparently T.J can't. "What is your problem?" He snaps. "I don't know what you mean?" She replies innocently, batting her eyelashes at him. "You're giving my friend dirty looks," he replies harshly. She gulps, "y-your friend?" "Yes, my friend. So if you don't quit it, I'm going to get you fired," he growls, then pulls me down the hall after him. "Was that necessary?" I question. "Yes," he replies blankly.
We walk into the room, and the twins look over at us. Elisa looks down at our intertwined hands and raises an eyebrow at me, I just shake my head. "Hey, buddy," T.J greets releasing my hand and walking to the bed. "We'll let you two talk, want anything to eat while we're at it?" Elisa says. "No thanks," they both reply. Elisa puts her arm in mine and we walk down the hall to the café. "So, what happened outside?" She asks me carefully. I sigh, "he's-going to have a rough time with this, I can tell you that now. He seemed so broken outside, I didn't know what to say or do. I feel so bad for him." She nods slightly, "He and Jake are close. While some brothers just exist around each other, he and Jake are like best-friends. They tell each other everything, they help each other through stuff, or slap 'Em upside the head if one of them did something stupid." I chuckle at the last one. "If anything happens to Jake, I-I don't know how he'll react. He might grieve for a long time, maybe not eat and get little sleep, or he might go mad. He grieved really badly when mom died. He was closer to her than our dad. I feel like the reason he's so protective over us, why he cares so much for us, is because he thinks that's what mom wants him to do. I love him so much, I love them both so much, if anything happened to either of them I don't know what I'd do with myself," she tells me. "I guess I'm not one to grieve very much. I tend to push away my emotions and go on with life. When my parents died, I stayed in bed for a couple of days, then came back to school. I ignore my feelings," I state. She sighs, "well, maybe that can help T.J. Maybe if you stay positive over this situations, losing Jake will be easier." "What makes you think Jake is going to die?" I question. "I hope he doesn't! But you need to be prepared for the worst, you know? I want him to live, with my whole heart, I do. I just don't want it to be a shock to my system if he does," she replies. I simply nod.
We order food and take it back upstairs. When we get there, T.J and Jake are talking in hushed voices. They look up when we come in. Jake is the first to speak, "Rylee, can I talk to you for a minute? Alone?" I nod. T.J walks passed me, placing a hand on my shoulder before leaving with Elisa. I walk over and sit in the chair next to his bed. He looks at me a second before saying, "you know T.J loves you?" "W-what?" I ask, shocked by what he just said. "You know what I said," he replies pointedly and I nod, because I did. "Why do you say that?" I ask. "Because he told me. Rylee, he suggested being friends because he wanted to have some kind of relationship with you, even if you weren't together. He'd rather have some relationship than none. He cares for you, more than I could describe. I have one thing to ask from you, though." "Sure," I reply. "Anything." "Take care of him," he states. I look down at my hands, "I don't think I'm good for him, he deserves someone better." He shakes his head, "you're perfect for him. I think he'd go crazy from all of this if he didn't have you. I just- I want him to be happy." I chuckle, "ironic how you're saying this but are lying in a hospital bed." He chuckles a little and looks down, but then frowns, "I don't think I'm going to get through this, Ry." "What do you mean? Of course you are," I reply. He shakes his head, "they said it's stage three." "You know that can be treated? You can survive from that," I tell him. "But what if I don't?" He asks. "You will. And you need to try, if not for yourself then for T.J and Elisa," I encourage. He smiles a little, "thanks, Rylee. And please, do as I asked about T.J. He really does care about you, and I know you do too." I nod, "I will." He sighs, "can you send Elisa in?" "Yep," I answer and walk out of the room. "Elisa, Jake needs you." She nods and steps inside and I stand next to T.J. "What did you two talk about? You were in there a while," T.J asks me. I smile up at him, "stuff." He raises an eyebrow at me, "stuff? What kind of stuff?" "Are you always so nosey?" I tease. He chuckles a little, "well, was there anything about me? I know he's a snitch about stuff." "What would he tell me that I'm not supposed to know?" I ask innocently. His cheeks turn a shade of pink, "nothing." "You're cute when you blush," I comment, poking his cheek. He swats my hand away, "I'm not blushing, it's hot in here." "Sure," I reply sarcastically. "But really, Jake and you seem close. He said you tell each other everything. I wish I had someone like that." He smiles as if remembering something happy, "yeah, we do. He's like my best-friend, you know? Gosh, I don't know what I'd do without him." I step forward and wrap my arms around him hesitantly. When he sees what I'm trying to do he hugs me tightly, "are you sure he didn't tell you anything? About you?" "Maybe, but I wouldn't tell you," I reply, smiling. He sighs, "okay."
"Well, you two seem to be get cozy out here," I hear Elisa remark. I step away from T.J, feeling my face get hot. "You're cute when you blush," he states, mocking me. I roll my eyes, "so, how is Jake?" She smiles, "he's fine. Rylee here seems to have given him quite the pep talk." "It was the truth, not a pep talk," I reply. She shrugs, "either way, he seems happier now." "Does he get to leave?" T.J asks. "Well, when you two left, the doctor said he could come home. We just have to watch him, take note if he throws up at all. But to answer your question, yes, we just have to sign a couple papers and we'll be out of here," she answers.
He sighs in relief, "okay, I'm going to go get the doctor. Stay here." He walks off down the hall and Elisa turns to me, "did Jake tell you?" "Tell me what?" I ask. "How he feels," she replies nodding her head towards the direction T.J went. I nod, "do you think it's true? I don't want to get hurt." She smiles, "so you're giving him a chance?" "Yeah," I reply. "But I don't want to if he's just going to crush me." "He won't, he's WAY too into you," she replies.
Minutes later, T.J comes back, "alright, we're free to go."
We get back to the house, and Elisa takes Jake upstairs, leaving T.J and I alone in the kitchen. "Want anything to eat?" I ask. "A sandwich would be nice, but I can make it," he answers. "No, I've got it," I reply. I begin making it and hear something slam on the table and turn around. "I can't take it anymore," T.J exclaims. "What are you talking about?" I ask. He stands and walks over to me, "I can't take this, us, just being friends. I known it's only been a day, but I can't stand it!" "T.J?" I question. "I like you, Rylee. I like you a lot, and I can't stand not telling you. I was jealous of Myles, how you talked to him so openly. I want to talk to you like that, I want to be there for you, I want to be the one you go to when you're upset, because I freaking love you," he confesses. "You what?" I ask. "I-I that's not what I meant, um, crap, I'm sorry, Ry," he apologizes. "Don't apologize," I tell him. He looks down at me, "Rylee, I can't stand not being with you." I smile at him, "do you want to?" "More than anything," he answers. "Then what are you waiting for?" I ask. He looks at me surprised, "y-you want-" "I want to be with you too, T.J," I interrupt. Before I can process anything, his lips crash on to mine.
I return this kiss fully. He kisses me hungrily, like he's waited years to do it. He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him, and I tangle my fingers in his hair. Our lips move in sync and I can't help but think about how much I've wanted him to kiss me. "Guys, I- oh, sorry," Elisa says. I pull away and look at her and T.J turns. "I can, uh, go," she says, a smile playing on her lips, as she walks back up the stairs.
I laugh and lay my head on T.J's shoulder, feeling my face grow warm. "You don't know how long I've wanted to kiss you," he tells me. I look up at him, "why didn't you?" "I didn't know how you felt, I thought you were too good for me. Then, when I saw you with Myles, I knew I couldn't stand you being with other guys. I wanted you to be mine," he answers. "I thought, and still think, you're too good for me. You're popular, I'm not," I tell him. He leans down and places a light kiss on my lips, "you're perfect, you're better than any girl I've know. You're the only one I like, you're the only one that made me feel all bubbly inside when you smiled or hugged me, or laughed, or even glanced at me." "Do I make you feel like that?" I ask. He smiles, "everyday."
"You two lovebirds need to come upstairs and help me," Elisa calls. He places a kiss on my forehead before taking my hand and pulling me upstairs. I had a stupid smile on my face, and T.J did too.
We walk into Jake and T.J's room and sit at the edge of the bed. "What do you need help with?" I ask Elisa. She smiles, "nothing, it's just gross, you two downstairs," she answers, causing my face to get warm. "What were they doing downstairs?" Jake asks walking out of the bathroom. "Kissing," "Nothing," Elisa and T.J say at the same time. "Don't lie," Elisa scorns. Jake raises an eyebrow at us, "it was going to happen sooner or later. Did you tell her?" The question was to T.J. "Tell her what?" He asks. "Did he tell you what I told you?" Jake asks me. I nod. "Wait, you told her I liked her?" T.J asks. "Oh, the word was much stronger than that," Jake replies smiling mischievously. "You are in big trouble," T.J snaps. "Did you not want me to know?" I ask. "Not like that," he answers. "Oh well, you can't go back now," I reply.
He shakes his head, then laughs. The four of us together seemed like a family. We may not have one, but with each other, we don't need one.
T.J and Rylee are finally together. You got to see a little bit more of Jake in this chapter. I hope you like it!

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