Chapter 3

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(T.J above; don't pay attention to cast members they are messed up, I need to fix them)

<<Rylee's POV>>

I went to the bathroom after T.J left me in the hall, shocked. I had used the restroom and had come out to wash my hands, when three of the cheerleaders came into the bathroom. One walks up and snaps, "T.J's never going to like you, so I warn you to back off." I glare at her, "first, I don't like him and could care less if he doesn't like me; second, what are you going to do if I don't?" She smirks, "why don't we show you."

The next thing I know, is my head being shoved into the toilet, my clothes getting all wet. They pull me out and shove me, then a girl walks in, and they leave. I sit on the ground, my back against the wall, and she sits next to me. "Are you okay?" She asks. I nod. "My name's Elisa, what's yours?" She questions. "R-Rylee," I stutter. Then, the unexpected happens. T.J walks into the bathroom, wearing an unreadable expression. It looked kind of like worry? "Elisa, what happened?" He asks the girl. 'Is she his girlfriend or something? She doesn't seem to be intimidated at all by him.' I curl up closer against the cold, brick wall, as she tells him what she saw. He bends down in front of me, "Rylee, you want to tell me what happened?" I shake my head, "no." He nods and looks down, "okay, then let's get out of here. Elisa go to class." "What?" Elisa and I say in unison. "Go to class," he repeats to Elisa. She nods, but whispers something to T.J before leaving.

I look up at him, worried of what he's going to do. Will he do what the girls did to me? Or worse? He leans down with his hand out, and I flinch. But, when nothing hits me I look up at him again. His eyes look soft, worried... Sad. "Come on," he tells me. "Where are we going?" I ask. He chuckles, "first, to get you new clothes. The next thing is a surprise." I nod and he pulls me up.

We exit the bathroom and go outside. My wet clothes stick to me, and the wind chills me to the bone. My teeth are chattering by the time we reach what I'm guessing as his car. He opens the door and I get in. When he gets in he turns the car on, and blasts the heat. It feels so warm, and soon my shivering stops.

No one talks, it's silent all the way until we get to my house. "Y-you can come in and wait, if you want," I tell him. He nods and shuts the car off. We walk to my front door and enter. My house is quiet, making all the happenings of today feel worse. "I'll be right back," I almost choke out. Before I can head up the stairs, he catches my arm. I stop, but don't turn around. "Rylee, look at me," he orders, gently. I don't. "Rylee," he warns. I hang my head and turn around. He doesn't say anything, and I look up. He's looking at me intently, his eyes questioning. "Where are your parents?" He asks. I look down again, "at work." "Don't lie to me, Rylee. I have to deal with lying everyday and I don't want it from you either!" He almost snaps. I look up, my eyes burning with tears, "they're dead! My parents are dead, T.J! That day you made fun of me for crying, that was the day they died! But you wouldn't know how I feel, you have a good life, and it would be wonderful if you just stayed out of mine!" He looks taken aback by my words, and he looks down, "I didn't know." I turn and stop up the stairs and slam the door to my room. I listen for any sign of him leaving-a car door shutting, the engine starting- but there is none. I wait, and wait for him to leave, but he never does. I check out my window, but his car sits in the same place in my driveway.

Soon, I give up and go into the bathroom. I step into the shower and wash my hair, then get out, and get dressed. After, I look out my window, and sure enough his car is still there. I walk down the hall to the top of the stairs, and see him sitting on the bottom step. "Why didn't you leave?" I ask him, making him turn around suddenly. He stands and faces me, "I told you we were going to do something after you changed, and I'm a man of my word." I scoff, "hardly." He smiles slightly, "let's go, and you can be the judge of that." I look at him questionably, as I walk down the stairs.

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