Chapter 7: Carnage Before Custody

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Silver was in art this period. The exercise this week was to draw from random subjects, of their choice, around the school. The first thing to come to many of the students' minds was to head to the science classrooms to draw birds and ferrets, and that was a great idea. However, the birds scared Silver, and frankly the ferrets did, too. So, instead, Silver wanted to draw his most favorite subject in the world-- Shadow the Hedgehog.

Shadow was standing at the library's front desk, drilling holes into the side of his head with his drumming fingers. He was thinking long and hard about something while trying his darndest to focus on the pitter-patter of rain on the roof rather than on Rouge's mind numbing chattering as she checked in books, one after another, whilst standing on the opposite side of the desk.

Silver got a little too excited as he added the big globs of scarlet paint that were the result of Shadow drilling literal holes into his head in his drawing, and the girl sitting at his table, a blue pika, looked at him for a moment with pure concern and terror on her face.

"...And so, I think I should do something about it." Rouge finished one of her thoughts just as the rain on the roof ceased.

"Huh?" Shadow finally quit drumming his fingers on the side of his skull and looked up at her.

"Were you listening at all?!" When the Ultimate Lifeform on the other side of the desk just continued to stare at her with the same blank expression, a vein formed on the government spy's forehead. "The next person to put an open book in the returns slot will get their fingers broken!"

"Don't do that, Rouge. There's gotta be some less bloody way to solve your problems," Shadow told her, sounding disappointed in the ivory white bat.

Rouge put her fists on her hips as she contemplated something. "Alright, then I'll- Hmm..."

Just then, a red recolor of Tails went to put an open book in the slot by Rouge. Jamming it through the nearly three inch diameter gap, he got all the pages creased and crumpled. Out of nowhere, he was hit upside his red noggin with a hardcover novel laying nearby. Well, I guess it wasn't really out of nowhere, then.

"Rouge!!" Shadow sounded horrified. "I said less bloody!"

"He's not bleeding," Rouge said simply. She dropped the book back onto the wooden surface of the desk with a "thump". Well, she wasn't wrong. The recolor she had hit was now lying on the burnt orange carpet of the library, the larger one by the way (read the last chapter), and seemed to have a rather large bruise slowly forming on his forehead. Surprisingly, though, there was no blood to be found.

"Well, yeah, but-"

"So what were you thinking about just now?"

Shadow jumped as he hadn't expected her to bring up his previous actions after all this time. The devious bat had her elbows on the wooden surface of the desk between them and her chin in her palms.

"It must've been pretty important for you to completely block out what I was telling you."

Shadow huffed. "Yeah. I've got detention next week."

When the coal-colored hedgy heard giggling coming from Rouge's direction, his head snapped back towards her. "What?"

"How'd you get detention? I'm surprised you let yourself get caught so easily. I mean, you've infiltrated the doctor's base how many times?"

Yet another huff. "I didn't let myself get caught! I was following Honest around. It was her idea that we skip."

"You were skipping class?!" Rouge asked this as if it was ridiculous what he had done.

Honesty is the Best Policy {Comic Edition}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz