Owww, my ears...

397 16 6

I'm not dead!

Third Person

[Y/N] got up reluctantly and followed behind Aizawa and Nezu. She stayed quiet the whole time, it was awkward and quiet. If anything she'd rather be sitting in a prison cell rotting away as she stared at the wall with nothing to do.

"Kid, you're going to stay at my house for tonight since it's late, then we leave in the morning for U.A. I also am getting the old- Recovery Girl to work on getting you that smoke for your skin," Aizawa stated as he walked over to his car.

"Now Miss [L/N], I am going to have you be at U.A. at seven tomorrow don't forget to wake Erasure-Head and when you get there Midnight will help with your uniform and school supplies!" Nezu cheered. "Well I should be going! Goodnight you two!" He waved before walking away. [Y/N] raised an eyebrow and looked at Aizawa (who she sill doesn't know his real identity).

"Don't question it kid, anyways let's get going I don't need Mic complaining about me being home late and him questioning about the forest incident," he sighed and waved [Y/N] over to follow him to his car, she did but after looking back at the police station.

Could be worse, there's always that chance.

Aizawa's POV

There's something about [L/N] that seems odd, I don't know what, but it seems as if she's hiding something or she's paranoid. About what though? The destroyed planet? The league of villains? Going to U.A.?

I get in my car and [L/N] does the same, her getting in the passenger seat while me the drivers seat. She looks around then rests her chin on her palm and looks out the window. I start driving to my house, the ride is peaceful.

"Erasure?" [L/N] called. I looked over at her and nodded. "Why didn't you just leave me in prison? For all you know I could harm your students."

"Well I know your a 'villain' and stuff but you had no idea what was happening when you were taken in by them. You were four, as you claimed, a four year old with no parents would accept anyone's offer, especially when they saw their parents murdered in front of them," [L/N] tensed and visibly flinched when I mentioned her parents, but I still continued. "You grew up thinking that heroes were bad due to Endeavour, you didn't only lose your parents you lost your dreams and friends, Bakugou and Midoriya."

"I- thank you...." she mumbled and looked back the window. I smiled slightly, she'll make a great hero, that's if that's what she wants to do, if she doesn't that fine but I know she doesn't want to be a villain as much as she may deny it, there's something that's haunting her, and I'm taking a wild guess it's anxiety and or depression.

"It's fine kid, when we get home, be super quiet too," I tell her.


"My boyfriend will get mad at me, and believe me you don't want to hear him yell... he has a stupid voice quirk...."

"Oh, ok then," she replied and looked back out the window, looking upwards, to what I assume are the stars, it makes sense why she would too, her quirk and her parents quirks seemed to also linked to the solar system.

I drove to my house which was only about 15 minutes from the station and when I got onto my street I was being extremely quiet, Mic was probably up waiting for me. Oh god.

I pulled into the driveway besides Mic's car and turned the car off. I'm so dead if this man catches me, we probably not me, my damn ears will be.

"Be quiet, and be ready to cover your ears," I tell [Y/N]. I slide out of the car and quietly close the door, signalling her to do the same. She nods and does the same following behind me with her hands by her ears. I open the door and as soon as I do the lights turn on. I'm fucked.


"Owww, my earsssss," [Y/N] cried from behind, her hands clamped to the side of her head.


How can one be so loud? I think my eardrums burst. Ow, fuck, owww. The name of bloody god.

"This is [Y/N], or Makkuro, and before you start, she's not going to harm us, she's starting at U.A., I'll explain the rest to you in the morning, for now, I'm going to quickly fix the guest room up," Erasure told Mic? I think his hero name is actually Present Mic, but I don't know, in all honesty I just wanted to lay down and think.

Yeah that sounds nice about right now.

"Well, welcome [Y/N], I'm Y- Present Mic, but just call me Mic, if you need anything mine and Erasure's room is at the end of the hall," he stated with a small smile and a yawn after he explained it.

"Thank you..." I mumbled and stood awkwardly by the door. Waiting for Eraser-Head to come back.

"Would you like something to eat or drink?" Mic asked, he probably could tell I felt awkward and slightly uncomfortable.

"No thanks..."

3rd Person POV

It was extremely awkward and both [Y/N] and Mic could sense it, Mic didn't know how to make it less awkward either. He watched as [Y/N] stood there slightly shuffling and looking down, she seemed to have a lot on her mind and didn't seem to be focusing.

"It's done, well the bed is sleepable," Aizawa said coming back into the lounge room. [Y/N] stood there for a second still unsure what to do, until Aizawa noticed and waved for her to follow him. She was a bit hesitant but followed him down the hall to a room with its door open.

"It's still rather messy, I assume you'll be staying with me for a while so tomorrow after school we can fix it up a bit," he told her, she nodded slightly and stared in amazement at the room. It may have boxes everywhere and dust piling on the floor. It may have a shattered mirror and chipped cupboard but it was amazing. The stars were producing light through the window above the bed. The bed had a cat cover on it, which looked adorable. And there was cat fur on it too, which she had just noticed.

"Before you go to sleep, could I please have your wrist?" Aizawa asked.

"Uhh, sure," [Y/N] agreed and passed him her wrist. Aizawa grabbed it carefully and noticed how there was some fading scars littered on it. He sighed knowing what they were, but placed a horrid looking bracelet on her wrist.

"What's this?" She asked inspecting the grey wristband with a flashing green light.

"It's a device to notify me if you use your quirk or try leave the house, so if you do try leaving or blowing the place up I'll know. Anyways, you should get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning," Aizawa said and left the room, closing the door behind him.

[Y/N] smiled slightly before walking over to the bed and snuggling up the covers, curling herself into a ball and going to sleep.


That's the end!
It's rather short, I know and I apologise for it.

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