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All rights reserved, i own none of the Teen Wolf characters.

Hi Cindy-Ann :*
If you are wondering, yes i used her name for one of my characters ^_^ it was not just a random name choice..

“Oh my god Mackenzie, are you alright?” what kind of stupid question was that? I have a concussion, two broken ribs and a broken ankle. I simply glared at Stiles until he backed away from me. Did he also know about me being adopted well not adopted but me being given up? Suddenly dad came bursting through the door, “Princess, I was so worried, I don’t know what I would have done if I lost you.” I flinched away from him when he tried to hug me and I saw the confusion in his eyes mixed with hurt, it even hurt me to look him in the eyes knowing that he might not even be my father. I thought back to what Cindy said ‘Make him tell you everything’, that’s what I needed to do, make him tell me everything. “Stiles, can you give da- um, can you give us a few minutes alone?” I was going to say dad but it didn’t feel right. “What’s the matter sweetheart?” he went to run his hands through my hair but I managed to shift away.Okay here goes nothing,

“Who’s my real mother?”

Derek’s POV

I arrived at the hospital and ran out my car without even locking it, I may still be a person of interest and should keep a low profile but I didn’t care, I needed to see her. “Mackenzie Stilinski, what room is she in?” I asked the lady at the front desk but a nurse who was walking by stopped and talked to me, she so happened to be Scott’s mother. “I'm sorry but only family members are allowed to see her,” I could feel myself wanting to shift but I just needed to stay calm. “Do I look like I care? Where. Is. She?” Ms McCall was standing her ground but I had no time for a stare off, I just focused on her scent and I followed it to the fourth floor. I knew I was in the right place because Stiles was sitting outside the room with Scott. “You can’t see her now, she talking with dad.” From what I heard going on in her room, Stilinski was not even her father.

Mackenzie’s POV

“What do you mean who’s your mother? Where is this coming from?” Playing stupid was not a way to play this off, “You knew I was bound to find out some way or another, now, who is my real mother? Is it Cindy?” I could feel the tears building in my eyes, “She told you?” his voice sounded almost broken, “I want to hear you say it!” my voice got a little louder than I intended it to but by emotions were all over the place. “I know the real question you're asking behind that, and the answer is, no I'm not your real father.”
That’s all it took for the tears to start to flow, there was a pain in my chest I couldn’t even describe, finally hearing the man who I lived with for sixteen years was just a complete stranger. “For sixteen years you lied to me? And not even once you felt bad for keeping me away from my real mother? I've been so close to her all this time just thinking that she was a Deputy but she was really my mother. Stiles! Someone who I used to trust with my life, my so-called ‘twin’ is not even my own flesh and blood?” my heart monitor was going off the charts and there was no way I could calm down. Suddenly doctors rushed into the room and began shouting things I could not even understand, “Get out! Get out! I hate you and never want to see you again! Get out!” my words began to slur and before I knew it I was unconscious.

Sheriff’s POV

Her words kept playing in my head as I walked out her hospital room, ‘Get out! Get out! I hate you and never want to see you again! Get out!’ there was nothing I could do to fix how hurt she was feeling now. When I looked up I saw Stiles standing with Scott and Derek Hale a distance away from them, what the hell was he doing here? As I looked closer I saw Stiles had tears in his eyes, “She’s not my sister? Why didn’t you tell me? You fooled me for sixteen years, making me think that I had a twin, when she was just some stranger?” his voice was so cold, I knew he was just as upset as Mackenzie, “Sti-” he then walked off before I could try to explain and Scott rushed after him. As I looked around I saw everyone on the hospital floor looking at me, they must've heard, now everyone is gonna start watching me differently. I needed to find Cindy now!

I was furious as I knocked on Cindy’s door, “Hey Sheriff, what's up?” I resisted the urge to slap a woman for the first time in my life, “Cut the bullshit Cindy! You told her. You broke the first rule, it would have been up to me and Claudia to tell her on her eighteenth birthday.” I was beyond furious now; thanks to her my daughter hated me. “No, no Sheriff, you see the contract stated that both you and Claudia had to tell Mackenzie and since she died the contract was deemed terminated so since Mackenzie was nine I could have told her about me. Now that she knows Sheriff, I'm taking my daughter back! Now will you excuse me, I have to make preparations for a Welcome Home party.” She was right; there was no breech in the contract. I simply stormed out of the house and slammed the door, there was no way in hell I was letting her take my daughter.

Mackenzie’s POV

I was beginning to regain consciousness; I swear to god I will sue when I come out of this hospital, without warning you just pump someone full with your sleepy drug? As I opened my eyes I saw Derek standing in the corner, I swear I just got a mini heart attack, “What the hell is wrong with you, I almost got a heart attack. Why the hell are you even standing in the corner over in the dark?” wait, I supposed to be mad at him, but I couldn’t be anymore. “Visiting hours are over and only family are allowed to spend the night,” he explained as he walked closer to me, all I wanted to do was rip out my IV and run into his arms but with the damage done to me I won’t be going anywhere  for a while. Derek then came and sat next to my bed and took my hand, “Why am I not healing?” I asked as I played with his fingers. “Because, without even knowing it you are mentally rejecting the process from happening, you need to stop and just let whatever happens, happens.” I knew there was a second meaning; he was talking about the mating thing.

“How are you so sure I'm even your mate?” I didn’t wanna make eye contact with him so I kept playing with his fingers. “I remembered when my mother said ‘when you do find your mate, no matter how hard she tries, she won’t be able to stay away from you even if she’s mad at you. When you find your mate, it’s like you found your other half, you're like magnets, drawn to each other even though there may be a little negative energy around you. You or your mate may try to fight the love but that only make the love grow stronger. If a female tries to ignore the mating bond, the pain will be unbearable.’ When I found you in the woods with that trap around your foot that was when I suspected because I felt a burning sensation in my foot, then when I was sick after being shot with the wolfsbane bullet, it affected you in a different way, then when I accidentally scraped you,” he traced his fingers on my arm where the marks were trying to heal,

“And you woke up screaming after the dream I heard you, and knew we just had the same dream. Then when you were taken, I felt every punch and every kick you received, I tried so hard to find you but it was like you were freezing me out. One minute you wanted me to find you and I would get close, next you didn’t want me to find you and led me on a different path. It was quite confusing actually; the only thing that gave me assurance that you were alive was your dream.” Who knew that there was this side of Derek, “I hated you so much after I heard what you said to Stiles, thinking that you used me just to get close to them, I felt betrayed and hurt.” Talking it out with him was actually making me feel better. “How was I to tell Stiles that I got a thing for his sister?” a smile appeared on my face but it quickly faded, “He’s not my brother!” it came out cold but it was true. “I know, I heard and I'm sorry.” He was so sweet, why couldn’t he be like this all the time? “Nevermind that, I still need to heal though.”

My head was really starting to kill me to the point of crying. “Just allow it to happen,” and with that Derek crashed his lips to mine, I felt like a weight has be lifted off my shoulders. I could feel parts of my body healing but that’s not what I wanted to focus on at the moment. “What are you doing in here? Visiting hours are over!” as we pulled away I turned and saw Ms McCall standing there with her arms folded, “Laters Baby.” He then gave me one last kiss before he left. Mr Hale really knew how to leave a girl speechless; I wonder how many girls he’s used that line on? Whoa Mackenzie, let’s not even go there.

Omg ikr, a 50 Shades line, I am obsessed with the books and can’t wait for the movie!!! Okay bye now.
Okay so i have one more suprise ^_^
If you love my story just comment your name and I'll try to Share A Coke with you this christmas :)

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