Side Effects

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 I own none of the Teen Wolf characters, all rights reserved to MTV and Jeff Davis. 

I've had better nights, when I turned and faced my alarm clock it was now 3 am, “You’ve got to be kidding me.” It felt like I was sleeping forever, morning was just taking so long to come. As I turned to the other side I felt a sharp pain on my injured arm, “Shit,” lazily I came off the bed and made my way to the bathroom. I looked at the gashes on my arm, “Why aren’t you healing?” the gashes looked the same, not even trying to heal. I got the first aid kit and bandaged up my arm, I needed a good excuse for when dad asked me how I got the marks. While I was in the kit I decided to take two sleeping pills, immediately I felt it start to kick in, without even bothering to take off the bathroom light I went back to bed.

The screams wailed in my ears as the fire consumed the house, I raced around the house, frantically searching for a way in but every window and door was sealed shut or flames were just pouring through them. Panic swept over my body as the screams began to die down one by one, I knew they were dying. I searched around the house looking for a hose or something that would have water to put the fire out but nothing was in sight.

“Oh my god,” I ran around to the back of the house and entered through the back door. The smoke filled my lungs and I immediately began to choke. I dropped to my hands and knees and began to crawl hoping to find someone to help them. As I crawled into the kitchen, I found a body but she was unresponsive and had burns on the side of her face no doubt she was dead.

I coughed and rubbed my eyes as tiny specks of ash began to irritate them, I was determined to find someone alive. The smell of burning flesh made me sick but I ignored it. When I entered the living room I saw the bodies of two children, tears immediately escaped my eyes. My lungs continuously battled for every breath of fresh air I could get but every time I inhaled my lungs took in more burnt ash causing me to wheeze and cough.

“Hello?” my voice was unrecognizable, my eyes were growing heavy and I knew my time was coming, if I didn’t get out of the blaze soon I was going to die. Suddenly the floor disappeared below me but strong arms wrapped around my body.



I shot up screaming at the top of my lungs, my body was drenched in sweat and my eyes were clouded from the tears, “Kenzie, hunny, wake up.” As I frantically looked around the room it finally set in that it was just a dream. Dad was sitting on my bed looking at me with a worried facial expression, “You okay hunny? Wanna talk about it?” Stiles was standing by my door looking just as shocked and confused. I shook my head, there was no way I was gonna talk about this, with anybody.

Derek’s POV

Her screams filled my ear drums, I knew she just had the same dream I did, except in her point of view. This was all because of me marking her; I didn’t mean to, it just happened. These dreams were going to continue for a while; it was only the first part of the mating process. I realized Mackenzie was my mate when she got injured in the woods, I actually felt when the trap snapped onto her foot. That means she could also feel my pain. I needed to see her. If i explained everything to her, maybe, just maybe she'd talk to me. Her continuously rejecting me was literally causing me to feel heartbroken. This is the main reason I never let anyone in before, everyone around me ends up hurt or dead I just hope nothing happens to her.

Mackenzie’s POV

 “Are you sure you want to go to school?" That was a good question; did I really want to go to school? “Yeah, I've missed so many days, the principal says if I keep it up its definite that I will be held back." Best excuse I could think of, “Okay then, I'm off to work. Call me if anything happens." Something was different with our father, daughter relationship, even with Stiles; we're all getting pretty distant. I didn't even care about my outfit today; I threw on jeans, tank top and a jacket. No make-up and no fancy hairstyle just a messy bun and I slipped on an uggs.

“Hey you want a ride to school?" Stiles asked as I walked into the kitchen to get an apple,

“No I can drive myself," it came out harsher than I intended but I had different intentions, I was not going to school today. I just needed to talk to the person I needed right now.

 As I pulled up to the cemetery tears began to cloud my vision, the only way I could almost feel better was only if I 'talked' to her.

“Hey mom." I started as I sat in front of her tombstone. “It's been a while since I came to see you. I have so much to tell you but I don't have enough time." I exhaled loudly I just really wish she were here so I could hear her voice telling me that everything was going to be alright. “Stiles is good, but we're not like how we used to be. Coming to think of it we are really opposite now, someone told me that we don't even look alike anymore. Never mind that. Let's get to the good stuff shall we? Well there's this guy, I know right, ever since Matt who would have thought. I know you always tried to turn Danny straight so we would end up together but don't worry; Danny and I have a plan. If we're both single when we're 40 we'll get married and have kids." I began to laugh as I remembered the pact Danny and I made when we were ten. "But anyways, back to the guy. He's a wee bit older than me but you always said it doesn't matter as long as you're in love right? That's the thing I think I've fallen for this guy, in the few days I've known him he is constantly on my mind but he was just using me so he could get close to Scott and Stiles. Not close in that way, it’s just a long story. But could you believe that? He was using me!" My tears were flowing uncontrollably.

“I was not using you." His voice startled me, “So what you're following me now?” I snapped as I picked shrubs away from my mom’s tomb, “No, as you should know I have family here as well!” Derek replied coldly. That’s right; his entire family was buried here. I continued staring at the tomb hoping Derek would just go away but he never moved, “I wasn’t using you.” He said again but a little quieter. “Derek I really don’t care, could you just leave me alone, I'm trying to have a moment with my mother!” It hurt that I couldn’t just tell him how I felt, every time I tried to talk to him I just wanted to injure him in some way. “Sorry,” was all he said before he walked off. “That was the guy, the infamous Derek Hale. Total dick but he could be really sweet when he’s ready.” I actually began to feel better as I talked to mum but as I was about to get up and leave I felt someone tap me on my shoulder, “Derek I told you to leave-” I spun around but before I could see the person or persons face, I felt a sharp blow to my head knocking me out. One thing I knew for sure, it wasn’t Derek.

Falling For Derek Hale. {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now