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I've been seeing Dean for two and a half months now and I am really starting to care for him, he is the first person I can actually trust and tell anything to, we don't have any secrets, I also found out that he's a werewolf, during one of our make out sessions his eyes changed and his claws were out I told them that I have the genes but did not have my full transformation yet. It does not matter but the only problem is he's twenty-one. Dad will kill him if he only found out what was going on between us, I mean we have not had sex yet, he knows I'm a virgin and he is willing to wait for me. We've had out secret make out sessions in his office and when I pretend to go to the bathroom. As far as my parents are concerned, I'm still with Derek but I haven't talked to him since that day he came by the school. I have made a few good friends but I don't indulge them in my personal life, "Hey Mackenzie there's a party at Tyler's house Friday night, you wanna go with me?" Ashton asked snapping me out of my own thoughts, Dean and I weren't exclusive, I want us to be but he never asked me to be his girlfriend. He knows Derek and I are mates but he says that the bond could be broken. As if on cue I got a text from him*Meet me in my office –D* "Yeah sure, I'll be right back guys," and with that I took off.

Dean's POV

I sat on my desk waiting to see Mackenzie, I needed to ask her something, when she's around I get so nervous, I remembered the day when I made her assistant coach, it's not that I did not want her to participate in class, I just did not want her to get hurt during training. The door then opened and closed, immediately I knew it was her because of her scent, she always smelled like strawberries and lavender. Before we could even say a word to each other she was wrapped around my waist and we were kissing, turning around I placed her on the desk and made my way down her jaw and sucked on her neck. A moan then escaped her lips and this only caused us to get more excited, he hands worked quickly as she unbuttoned my shirt, "Whoa Kenzie, slow down, I promised that I was going to wait until you asked me." I said breathlessly as I held he hands above her head, she nodded quickly as she fixed her skirt. "I wanted to ask you if you can try to come spend the weekend with me. You know leave with me after school tomorrow and I'll have you home Sunday afternoon. Tell your folks that you're staying at a friend's house." I asked as I buttoned my shirt back up. "Sure but um Ashton asked me to go to Tyler's party with him tomorrow," I felt my blood begin to boil and I knew my eyes flashed yellow. "What's wrong, why are you upset?" she asked but I felt my anger consuming me. "Why am I upset? Oh I don't know, because my girlfriend is going a party with another boy on a date! That seems like a logical reason to get upset." I snapped at her. "You never made it exclusive! And you know I'm still technically Derek's mate, it's very difficult to be exclusive at the moment. Sooner or later I'm going to have to go back to him" I knew this was going to be a big argument, "What am I supposed to do, write it in the fucking sky that I love you and don't want to share you with anyone else? I told you how much I care about you; I love you and don't want to share you with anyone else! How is that so hard to understand? If Derek really loved you, he would have been here fighting for you to still be with him" my voice cracked as I tried to sound stern, I could see the tears develop in her eyes, all I wanted was to reach out and take her in my arms but I was so mad. It doesn't matter, I stepped forward and pulled her to my chest, my face buried in her neck and I inhaled her amazing scent. "I love you too, but it's only as if I'm 50% yours." she whispered against my chest. I needed to know if there was a possibility that Mackenzie and I were mates, there was an old legend that a female wolf could have two mates, it was very rare but we showed all the signs of being mates. I needed to know for sure. The feeling I get when I never see her always have me feeling depressed and when I'm with her I feel so much stronger. "Babe you need to get to class in, you have ten minutes." I whispered in her neck, even though I never wanted to let go I had things to do before gym class. 

Falling For Derek Hale. {Book One}Where stories live. Discover now