He came outside the café and got inside a black car. I didn't know the model but it seems expensive af. He went inside the car and drove off.
He damn rich man!...

"Y/n!" I flinched and looked at the direction of the voice. I smiled and waved at Lisa who was coming towards me.

"Long time no see. I missed you." She said, pulling me into a hug.

"Girl, it's been only a day." I tried my best not to react sarcastically.

"Whatever. I still missed you." She tightened the hug.

"I c-can't... breathe, L-Lisa..."

"Oops" she pulled out from the hug and chuckled. I sighed in relief that I was still alive.

We went inside the café and took a seat near the corner. A lady came to take our orders and we ordered our drinks. I ordered my usual Caramel Macchiato and Lisa asked for a cup of hot chocolate.

"Do you really want Jungkook back?" Lisa asked. I looked at her in confusion.

"You can get a much better person, y/n. Leave him."

I shoot a death glare at her for giving a stupid opinion that no one asked for. She was holding her laughter until I flicked her forehead with my finger.

"Auow!!" she whined holding her forehead. "I was just kidding girl, chill!"

"Here's your order ma'am. Enjoy~" the waitress said, keeping our drinks on our table.

"Thank you~," I said and took a sip from my drink. It was heavenly delicious.

I have always ordered the same drink from this café but today it was on another level. It was really very delicious.

"This is really good. Did you change the recipe?" I quickly asked the lady before she could leave.

She giggled and said, "This café was bought by a new owner, last month. He personally changed a few things in the recipes. And I guess people are liking these new twists."

"Of course they will like it. These drinks are gold." Lisa said showing a thumb up.

"I'll let the boss know about it." she smiled.

"Can we meet him now?" I asked.

I was actually looking for a new job. My current job is very stressful and I already have enough problems in my life to deal with. This café is not far from my house.... well, Jungkook's house, so it will be easy to come here every day if I got a job here.

"Sorry, ma'am. He had some work so he left early today. He'll come this weekend. You can meet him then." the lady answered and left.

"Now you're interested in this boss?" Lisa asked with a smirk.

"Shut up!" I said and we both started laughing.

"So... Jungkook works in an IT company, right?" Lisa asked and I nodded.

"Which company was it?"

"Kim's Tech"

"Have you visited there?"

"Nope. Not yet."

"I think we should go to the company first and see if we can get any information about him." Lisa said.

"Yeah. I guess you are right." I agreed. "Tomorrow?" I asked.


After finishing our drinks we went back to our houses. I had my lunch which I tried to make and wasn't that bad. I made omelet and toast.

No, I'm not on diet. I just don't have much appetite.

As I'm an optimistic lazy person, I decided to do the dishes later. I lied down on my bed and played my favorite artist song.

The song was '풍경 (scenery)' by the artist named 'V'. He has a very deep and husky voice which reminds me of Taehyung. But V's voice is much deeper.

His voice is so soothing and calming that every time I feel down, his voice makes me feel at ease.

Although he hasn't revealed himself to the world, people still like him for his songs, especially his voice. While listening to his songs, I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up with the annoying sound of my phone. I picked it up without seeing the caller id.


The Truth Untold || KTH ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt