"I agree!" Anna joined in. The words left her mouth without much thought. "Just like how you're abusing your group's reputation however feasible and small it is now! You're twisting justice to your own convenience! Evil!" She accused.

Upon hearing her statements, the leader's eyes narrowed on her. They glazed over in their brownish-black orbs. "Hold your tongue girl... You don't know what you're saying."

"You're just abusing your power! The moment you started killing innocent people, you're not fit to be the one who looks over the area!"

Kaiyo's eyes glanced upon the leader and she could see how the leader was affected by the female's words. And they were not an optimistic outlook.

"You're not fit to be a leader! Playing this unfairly just shows how weak and incompetent your group is. No wonder we won over you!"

"Anna...! That's enough," Kaiyo slid in front of her and gave her a stare while shaking her head as a gesture for her to stop.

Anna responded with a face of confusion and surprise. Why would she want her to stop? They were in the wrong for kidnapping them and slandering her friends and family clan.


"The tricks you played caught them by surprise." Kaiyo faced the leader once again. She gulped when she saw the cold, hard glare of the leader upon her but continued, "But I bet that if you start from a clean match, they overpower you by a million times. This is only making you look like pussies because you started with foul play by kidnapping us! Before you slander them even more, fight fair and square!"

"You bitch! Badmouthing Boss like that!" One of the members in the room yelled out. He drew out a flip switch knife and stood in a stance to throw it, only to be stopped by the leader.

His bangs covered his eyes, preventing anyone to see the dark and ominous glint in his eyes. But everyone could see how he was gritting his teeth together with much strength, showing that he was holding back from saying something.

With an imposing aura, he stood up from his seat and stepped forward, closing the distance between him and the two females.

Kaiyo shifted in front of Anna more, covering half of her behind her back. The two seconds of hesitation before she moved and did the act didn't go unnoticed from Anna's eyes.

The leader stopped just a metre in front of Kaiyo. His feverish, glaring eyes landed on her.

"Fight fair and square you say?" His voice left him in a low whisper, sending chills down her arms as goosebumps appeared. A feeling of dread overwhelmed her and her instincts screamed to run. She steeled herself, and just as she did so, the leader's arm swung out and struck Kaiyo on the side of her face closer to her cheek and lower jaw.

She cried out a gasp of pain and her body skidded upon the ground for a few feet. Her canine tooth cut the inside of her mouth and the taste of blood bloomed on her tongue. Spitting the blood out with a few coughs, Kaiyo winced at the tingling sharp pain whenever she moves her lower jaw.

Anna, "Kaiyo!"

"Let's see you fight fair and square then!" The leader's voice boomed throughout the hall, holding much vigour different from seconds before. His eyes moved among his group members. "Come in!"

"Oright!" One of the members fist-punched his other hand and stepped forward. "It's been a long time!" He hyped himself up.

Understanding the situation and knowing what the leader had in mind the moment he called one of his members out, Kaiyo pushed herself up from the floor. Having forgotten that her hands were restrained behind her back, she fell back to the ground.

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