Chapter 9 - "Serious Talk"

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Jared POV:

Heading back to Michael's, he stopped me from heading inside. "Hey... is everything okay? What happened back there?" I turn around, facing him and sighing. "Its a long story..." I started. We both are standing on the deck, Michael pulls up chairs to sit in.

Michael pats a chair, demanding me to take a seat, which I did. "I got time for a long story... please tell me" Michael says, putting down his slushie. I take a breath, sighing. I have a feeling he's gonna hate me.

"So, before I met you... I had this long time crush. It's Evan. That taller guy you saw, Connor, he also has a crush on Evan. Connor and I are fighting over him, trying to get him to like us back. Then, I met you... I-I still have feelings for Evan... feelings don't go away just like that" I snapped my fingers at the end.

Michael slowly nods, looking off to the distance. Great, he probably thinks that I don't like him anymore, which is like. I really do like Michael but I just can't delete my over 1 year feelings for Evan though. I really hope Michael understands that.

God, what if he just breaks it off and its going be embarrassing between us and were just going pretend that none of this happened. I just might have to tell Connor that he could have him... I cant't lose Michael, as my secret boyfriend and as a friend.

"Well, I was in the same situation as you, but a little different... I knew my crush wouldn't like me back, and I didn't want to ruin our 12 years of friendship... he now has a girlfriend, I still have feelings for him though"

I rubbed Michael's arm, trying to comfort him. He takes my hand and puts in his, looking up at me. "Jared..." he starts. I'm a little nervous about what he's gonna say. "I really like you, i'm happy with you... do you feel the same?" he asks, staring in my eyes.

I give him a half smile and put a hand on my face. "Of course I do, Michael... maybe I should tell Connor that I moved on and he can have him"

"You really like him, right?" Michael says, after I spoke.

"Uh, yeah-"

"Then why give up?" He asks, leaning back in the chair.

I know why. I can't break Michael's heart because of this. I just don't know how to explain it

"I'm with you now... I don't want to break your heart" I say, nervously.

"Look, I know we talked about it, us not being officially official and I already got my heartbroken the worst... trust me" Michael says to me.

I stand up, holding out my hand. Michael grabs it and stands up, I stare into his eyes and gave my full smile. "We can talk about this later... i'm starting to get cold" I chuckle. Michael and I grabbed our slushie's and heading inside.

I just realized that Evan could tell Jeremy about earlier... how Michael and I were together for the day and shit like that. Fuck. I'm going kill them.

Time skip for no reason? Sure

Michael dropped me off at Evan's seeing I left my car there. Before getting out, Michael kissed my cheek and smiled, I grabbed one side of his face and kissed his lips, smirking. "I'll text you later... my gay hottie" he says, bringing up that. My cheeks were flushed, turning red.

I exited his car and heading inside Evan's house, wondering if he's here. I heard Michael drove off a few seconds later after I approached the doorstep. Instead of walking in, I knocked. Because i'm such a gentlemen.

"Well hello, Jared" Heidi answered.

I smiled, trying to be kind. Which I totally am.

"Hey Heidi, is Evan home?" I asked.

She shakes her head, meaning Evan isn't here. Hmm.

For some reason, it's weird knowing he isn't here. Well, he has been more out there this year, yet he still has major anxiety and still stays indoor all day I. "I mean, Evan should be home. After fainting, he-"

"Wait wait, Evan fainted?!" I said, suddenly getting worried.

"He didn't tell you?" She asked.

I shake my head, Heidi put a hand on my back, inviting me inside. I head inside, finding an unfolded blanket on the couch. I move the blanket, making a seat for myself. Heidi grabs the blanket, folding it. "Sorry Jared, my house is a bit of a mess right now" she says.

I look around the place, looking directly at Evan's door. It's like... half open and half closed. "It's fine... hey, do you know where Evan might be?" I ask, looking back to her. Heidi puts down the folded blanket on the chair and takes a seat on the couch. "He's at his girlfriend's house"

Of course he is. Its gotta be Zoe, Connor's younger sister. Just like that, im not looking for Evan anymore.

"Oh" I say, quietly.

"Is everything okay, Jared?" Heidi managed to hear me.

I decided to tell the truth. Telling her about fighting over his son. I don't know why!

"Uh, Heidi... um, the truth is..." I started

"It's okay, take your time" Heidi rubs my back.

I take a deep breath and look at her. Man, this is not going to go well. What if she hates me, what if I fuck this up, what if I can't be able to see Evan again. Nevermind, I know she'll hate me after I tell her.

"Well, Heidi... um, Connor and I have been kinda fighting over Evan. Like, crush wise. Zoe, Evan's girlfriend, is Connor's sister..." I spoke.

"D-do you hate me now?" I ask, nervously.

Heidi starts laughing a little, I start to get more nervous but im wondering what she'll say to me after I just told her that im in love with his only son. "Sweetie... everyone knows, your really obvious"

I immediately turn red, getting really embarrassed. Oh shit, what if Evan knows... he's not gonna be my friend anymore. "Oh... d-does Evan know?" I ask, Heidi gets up walking to the kitchen. "No... in the mean time, can I get you something to eat? Drink?" I stand up, looking in the kitchen. "Sure, ill have a soda... but, my parents texted me and they want me home soon"

Heidi knows my family and me, basically family friends.

"Of course sweetie, here's a sprite" she walks over and hands me the drink.

Heidi walks me to the door, I hugged her and thanked her. To me, the Hansen's are like my second family. Hopping in my car, I sent a text to Michael and drove home.

Jared- Missing you... hey, I really want to talk about something. Call me later? xx

Parked my car, walking into my house. My mom calls out from the living room. "Hey honey, how was your day?" I take off my shoes and coat and threw on some table top. "It was fine" I say with a tiny sigh, half tired. Dragging myself up the stairs and flopping on my bed, I get a message back from Michael.

Im too tired too answer right now, but then again I did text him saying to call me. Whatever, I just wanna take a nap. I probably just fall asleep on the call anyways.

Michael- Call me any time, J. I miss you too x

Fyi, he calls me "J" because he can. Im not stopping it, I kinda like it tho. I call Michael with FaceTime, I want to see his face as well as his voice. Answering the call, Michael is sitting on his bed, shirtless. "Hey" he said in a very calming voice.

I rub my face, smiling at him. The only reason I do that is because I want him to say something cute. "Hey Micha" I say, rolling over to my side and looking into his eyes. "J, are you tired? Do you want to sleep and we can talk later?" He asks me, putting on his glasses. I shrug but then it comes to nodding. "Okay... take the time to rest and I will talk to you later, J"

"I miss you... love you, no homo?" I say, smiling.

"Make it homo, idiot" he points to me, chuckling

I smile, then realizing that I want to fall asleep with him on call. "Wait, Micha... I want to fall asleep on the call" I say with puppy eyes. He messes with his hair and sets his phone on some type of surface. "Then lets talk" he says.

Michael and I have been talking for a few minutes until I eventually fell asleep.

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