13. I've Connected The Dots

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Marta pulls to a stop in front of the medical examiner's office. Sirens wail around you. From the front seat, you watch as firefighters try to put out the flames of the burning building. You sink down in your seat slightly when you notice Lieutenant Elliott talking to your father. Luckily their backs are towards you. You're just paranoid.
Ransom leans forward from his seat in the back to get a better view of what's happening.

"Holy shit," Marta mutters. "This is insane. I mean, who would blow up a whole real building just to blackmail me?"

Ransom checks to make sure no one is behind you before replying, "Marta, this means the blackmailer has the only paper copy of the thing that can prove your guilt. You didn't get any other instructions? No phone call? No email? Nothing?"

You furrow your eyebrows slightly. It's not like Ransom to be this helpful to anyone. Well, anyone besides you. You shake it off as just feeling jealous that you're not the only one he can be nice to.

"No," Marta sighs. "Well, I haven't checked my email." She quickly pulls out her phone and goes into her unread emails. You lean over to look as does Ransom. "There is one," she declares softly. It only lists an address and time, sent from a nondescript email address.

"Yeah, that's it. '1209 Columbus Road. 10 a.m.'" Ransom confirms, reading the email. They both look at the clock, realizing it's already 9:32 a.m.
Ransom continues speaking to Marta, "You know what this means, right? If you destroy that copy, you're totally in the clear."

You, on the other hand, are too focused on watching Blanc and Elliott. Blanc has been pacing for a few minutes, something he usually does when thinking about a case. Just as he turns back around to pace the other way once more, he looks up, spotting Marta's car. His eyes lock onto yours and you sink down into your seat further. Your eyes widen nervously.

"Well shit," you say aloud, knowing this can't end well.

That gains Marta's attention and she follows your line of gaze, noticing your father starting to walk towards the car. "Oh no," she whispers.

Ransom glances over as well, looking back at Marta, "Marta, did you hear me?"

"Yeah," she breathes out.

"Step on it," you elbow Marta slightly, knowing you need to leave.

She snaps out of her daze and switches the car into drive, stepping in the gas and quickly maneuvering back onto the road as the tires of her car squeal.


You get onto a more open road and you hold your head in your hands, contemplating all of your life choices that have led you to this. What went wrong? You think to yourself. You shake your head, realizing that's too long of a list.

"Okay, baby driver," Ransom glances behind the car.

"Oh god," Marta whimpers nervously, "You regret helping me yet?"

"I regret not taking the Beemer," he replies.

"You always regret not taking the Beemer. There are three of us, it has two seats. How would that have worked?" you retort sassily.

"We're already running from the cops, not having the proper number of seats for passengers would be the least of our worries. At least it'd be faster," he chuckles slightly.

You glance at the mirror on your side of the car and see three cop cars. You've been hearing the sirens for a few minutes. Your phone buzzes. You glance down to see your father calling. You mute the call, not wanting to explain yourself.

"Go. Go! Go! Are you flooring it!?" Ransom asks, slightly frantic.

"I am literally flooring it!" Marta panics.

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