11. I Know Three Things

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You park next to the Beemer once you get to the restaurant.

Walking in, you spot Ransom and Marta at a booth in the back corner. You head over towards them, luckily avoiding any social interactions with staff along the way. Socializing is definitely not your forte.

"Y/n?" Ransom looks up from his hands folded on the table when Marta speaks.


You sit next to Ransom. After a moment he instinctively wraps his arm around your shoulders, bringing you closer to him. You toss the keys to Marta's car on the table, letting them slide over to her. She takes them, putting them in her jacket pocket.

"How're you doing, Marta?" you tilt your head slightly as you ask her, keeping your voice gentle.

"It's a lot. I don't know what to think, honestly."

"That's ok, you can have all the time you need, don't listen to any of them. You're the one in charge now," you smile slightly. Ransom talks to the waitress as you focus on Marta. Marta nods, looking down. Her face is slightly pale.

"You look like you're gonna pass out. Have you eaten anything today?" Ransom asks her. She doesn't respond. "Eat."

He pushes a plate of food towards her, wrapping his arm around your shoulders once more after he does so.

Marta sighs before grabbing a fork. "This is a nightmare," she states, eating a forkful of food.

"Mhmm," Ransom hums in agreement, nodding slightly. "So why?"

Marta shakes her head slightly, looking at her food, "Why?"

"Why?" Ransom repeats as you lean into him more. Marta takes another forkful of food and glares slightly at Ransom.

"Hey. This is everything." Marta nods slightly and you look up at Ransom as he speaks. "There's gotta be a bigger reason why, and you know it."

"Well, how about it had to do more with you guys than with me?"

Ransom stays quiet, watching Marta for a second as he lets that sink in before replying. "Yeah. Yeah, it's the only thing that makes sense."

The waitress comes over, placing an empty bowl on the table. Ransom glances over and notices you doing the same. He pulls you closer to himself to distract you from trying to figure out his plan.

"Did he tell you anything?" Marta inquires.

"Only that I wasn't getting a cent."

"That's because he wanted you to build something from the ground up," you state.

"Like your mom," Marta adds in.

"'To build something from the ground up'. Yeah, my mother built her business from the ground up with a million-dollar loan from my grandfather. My father owns none of it. She made him sign a prenup."

Marta slowly continues eating. You place your hand on top of Ransom's hand to keep him calm.

"He lives in fear. And I know that's what my grandfather was trying to protect me from by doing this and I know I shouldn't say this out loud, but when he told me, I..." he shakes his head slightly and purses his lips, "Jesus. I coulda killed him."

Marta looks down and you gently run your thumb over the back of his hand in reassurance.

"After I left the party though, I was driving. Nowhere, just in the night, and I had this, um... clarity. Like, from here on out, I was gonna have to fend for myself. And that felt... good."

Marta nods slightly.

"The old bastard," Ransom mutters.

Marta sighs.

CSI: KFC || Ransom Drysdale x readerWhere stories live. Discover now