Chapter 26

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Former Glory, The Old King.
"Harmonia. The Former King of Team Plasma!" The Shadow Triad member said.
"Wait what?!" I shouted in disbelief not believing what I was hearing. 'N is the......King of Team Plasma?!? But that's impossible!' I thought to myself. 'But it all makes sense now. Alvis, the former Team Plasma members, the Zoroark!' I could feel the anger build up in my veins.
"It sees you've failed to tell your friend over here Harmonia. Looks like you'll always be the freak without a human heart!"
N stood there frozen unable to say anything. 'I don't know if I should be mad, or confused at N right now.' The shadow triad member held up a weird object that looked like the end of an ice cream cone with a point at the top.
"The..The DNA Splicers?!?" N-I mean Harmonia shouted. The shadow triad member laughed and vanished away with the DNA Splicers and soon all of team Plasma was gone.
.........Except for one person. N
N looked at me blank eyed. He obviously didn't want to tell us that he was the former king of Team Plasma but obviously that secrets out now. The pale N tried to say something but I stopped him before he could. "So N, if that is even your real name, why didn't you want anyone to know you were the former king of team plasma?!" I shouted at him. Drayden alvis Hugh and Rosa came back. "Hilda what's going on?" Rosa called to me. I explained everything that happened to them all. Everyone was shocked, except for Alvis.

I can't even believe that the Shadow Triad revealed my identity. There's no use in running now and I can't escape fate. But now that they know their lives are in great danger. "I didn't steal purrloin. I would never harm a pokemon in that regards!" I shouted at Hugh. "Pokemon Battles disgust me....Zororak and I battle rarely and it's mostly only to protect myself, you have no right to accuse me of such actions!" I shouted to him causing Hugh to slip on the ice.
"N....why? Why did you have to keep this a secret from us?! We could have stopped Team Plasma a long time ago! And this would've all been over!" Rosa shouted at me. The madness is going to take over I just know it. Alvis knows what is going to happen now and things don't look so hot right now.
"Allow me to explain." Alvis finally spoke up.
"Team Plasma had found N as a child in a small forest outside of Nacrene City. The man who found him was Ghetsis, the Ruler of Team Plasma. Ghetsis took N in not because it was the kindness of his heart, no, but for the sole purpose that N could communicate to pokemon. N wasn't the only one enslaved by Ghetsis' rule; two girls Concordia and Anthea, N's sisters, were also capable of speaking the language of pokemon. They were used as test subjects for Colress. And a few years later.... Ghetsis used these powers to summon Reshiram, the Legendary Dragon of Truth. Reshiram burned down the castle of Team Plasma in its doing and fled. As did N and his sisters. However the information Dr. Colress obtained was not out to waste. I was tested for this purpose. They conducted tests among tests on me until one day they finally found a serum that could allow anyone to communicate with Pokemon. However only chosen individuals were allowed to receive this serum due to its amazing power. I was fortunate to escape their clutches with the serum and destroyed it. However, Team Plasma is unaware of my identity and know that N is still out there. And since team Plasma has been spying on your group, you're all in danger...." Alvis said.
Hilda and Rosa stared at Alvis, Hugh locked eyes on me. "Team Plasma is coming for us....." I eventually spoke up. "And I have put you all in great danger!" I said.
I don't know what drove me but I started crying. The fact that all my new friends are in danger, Concordia and Anthea, the DNA Splicers gone. I couldn't help but she's a few tears. "I have put you all in great danger! I have no right to be your friend anymore! I am just a freak without a human heart!" I screamed and cried on the frozen floor. The former glory of the King of Team Plasma was no more. My friends, are in danger.

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