Chapter 25

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The Frozen Stones and DNA Splicers.

The whole building shook after a loud crash from a mysterious machine. "EVERYONE OUTSIDE NOW!" Drayden instructed the 5 of them. They ran outside of Drayden's house into the city. And what they saw was almost too frightening to say with words.
A large ship bigger than a Wailord was flying through the sky firing beams of ice straight into the city. One landed right in front of Drayden's house. Another in the center of the City.

It was frightening to say the least. The gigantic pillar of ice right in front of us. This was obviously the doing of Team Plasma. Drayden threw a PokeBall and released a Haxorus
"Haxorus use Dragon Claw!" He shouted. The Dragon slashed away at the pillar of ice. Nothing happened. "Hax?" It said.
"Haxorus return! It didn't even make a dent in it! What kind of power is this?!" Drayden shouted in anger.
"I believe I can answer that question." Said a voice.
"Zinzolin...." I said to him. He shivered in his purple sage robe. "Gah! It's freezing here! But no matter, soon team plasma will have both Reshiram and Zekrom in their possession!" He yelled laughing maniacally.
"Zinzolin you will be stopped!" Hugh shouted as he threw a PokeBall releasing a Samurott
"Grunts deal with this one. I got more Important business to deal with." He said heading towards the gym.
"N come with me! We gotta protect the gym!" Hilda shouted as she grabbed my arm and pulled me to the gym.
"Whooooooaaaaaa!" I shouted as we slid across the in the city.
"There's no use in getting to the gym, Hero of Ideals." A mysterious voice shouted.
"Show your self! Shadow Triad!" I shouted
A mysterious woman in ninja like clothing appeared in front of us. "So Harmonia you finally showed yourself. The Old King of Team Plasma!"
Oh Shit.
Drayden Hugh and Rosa battled with Team Plasma Grunts for a long time.
"What are they even after! Serperior Leaf Blade!" Rosa shouted to Drayden. "They're after the DNA Splicers! Haxorus Dragon Claw!" Drayden Shouted. "They're super powerful in fusing pokemon!"
"So that's what they're after?! Samurott Ice Beam!" Hugh shouted.
"We need to protect the stones!" Alvis shouted throwing a PokeBall. "Charizard use Blast Burn!" He shouted aiming for a Lieperd.
"Zinzolin sir we have the dark and light stone!" A Grunt shouted showing the 2 stones in his hands.
"WHAT?!" The 4 screamed in unison.
"Heh heh heh, you've done well my boy. The shadow triad did a good job distracting them. As did I!" He shouted.
"Let's go boys! The Shadow triad has the DNA Splicers down!" Zinzolin shouted throwing out a signal and the ship lowered a latter down for him.
"I'd love to stay and chat but we're busy doing our Jobs! Ahahahahah!" He shouted and left off with the other grunts.
"..........." Drayden Hugh and Rosa were all silent.
"He....He took the stones.....right in front of us..." Hugh said clenching his fist.
"Guys I have good news and bad news...." Alvis said.
"What is it alvis?" Rosa asked
"Well for starters they didn't take the stone."
"I have only one stone..." Alvis said pulling out the Light Stone.
"But...where's the dark stone?" Drayden asked
"Team Plasma has it....." Alvis said

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