Meeting the team

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Mark's POV
I looked over "So who're you three then?" The older man with the Union Jack patch spoke "Mike "thatcher" baker, SAS" I spoke "thatcher? As in the Iranian Embassy thatcher?" He nodded slowly "Heard of me?" I nodded "we used you as a template to create some of our tactics" he smiled "good to hear it" I extended my hand and shook his as I turned to burns as he spoke "Jordan "Thermite" Trace, ex-marine now FBI Swat" I whistled "Hear that Craig? we got one from the men's department" Craig chuckled and Jordan looked confused as I spoke "Inside joke, we always say that since the marines are a department of the navy it's the men's department" Craig nodded as he chuckled until I heard a voice to my left "Nienke "Iana" Meijer, REU" I cocked an eyebrow "REU?" She replied "Research Experiences for Undergraduates" I paused "why does that not sound like its military?" She replied "because it's not, it's kind of like NASA. We research projects and since my mother was an astronaut I made my Gemini replicator to explore other planets but Harry thought it could be of use protecting people from the masks so here I am" I asked "Have you ever been to space?" She nodded with a small smile as I turned giving her my full attention "what's it like?" She replied, sounding like she's in love "simply amazing, I always try to get back up there. It's amazing to see the world from the outside, it's also humbling" I sighed longingly "I've always wanted to go to space, even for a minute." She replied "I'll show you some of the pictures I've got from when I was there" I smiled "that sounds awesome" as Meghan spoke "Careful Mark, I might think you're falling in love" I glanced over "Sure, I love space so you know suck it 3" she chuckled "good to have you back" I nodded "been a while since we last saw each other" Craig spoke "Yeah because you never send a fucking letter!" I laughed "according to the government I don't exist, fuck sending letters. I send rubber ducks" Meghan stood yelling "That was you?! The fuck?!" I chuckled "yea, I did it" she collapsed as Mark asked "wait, what?" Craig answered "for years, Years! We've been receiving rubber ducks in care packages with no letter or explanation. We had so many elaborate theories but no, it's just this fuck sending us random shit" I replied "in my defense, I had to get rid of them. Command was tired of me playing with them in the submersible"

(A/N this is a submersible ^^)Meghan and Craig stared at me "so you mean to tell me, you've been sending us rubber ducks for years because command yelled at you for playing with them in the submersible?" I nodded as thatcher spoke "Son, if they ki...

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(A/N this is a submersible ^^)
Meghan and Craig stared at me "so you mean to tell me, you've been sending us rubber ducks for years because command yelled at you for playing with them in the submersible?" I nodded as thatcher spoke "Son, if they kill you, I didn't see a bloody thing" I glanced over "With all due respect, they couldn't kill me if they wanted to" Meghan spoke "want to bet?" I nodded "how much?" As she spoke "$80, 80 bucks I can take you" I laughed "you're on" the group stood as I looked at Nienke "You coming?" She seemed to think it over "is it okay if I do?" I nodded "I take it you're new here too?" She replied "yes, i only got here a week ago" I chuckled "we'll settle in together then alright?" She smiled as we followed the group and talked about space until everyone stopped at the door. I walked up and opened the door I took off my shoes and shirt before Mark handed me a pair of gloves and a mouth guard I grabbed my phone and searched through the music before plugging it into the speaker system and climbing into the ring. I bounced from foot to foot as I waited for Meghan to get in the ring, 3 minutes later she was in the ring as Mike acted as Referee "I want a clean fight, T.K.O or Tap for victory" I nodded as he spoke "touch gloves" I walked forwards fist extended until I felt a bump and backed away keeping my guard up.

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