Hood Part II (ish)

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A/n: so as you know I went on hiatus for quite a bit. during that time my idea for how this story should develop has changed quite a bit, and im just kinda lazy to go back and fix the plot holes in ch1. So this is semi-canonical. Some things won't match up with ch1. asfghjkl expect more chapters coming up thanks to coronavirus extending my spring break lol.


A shifting noise in the back seat signalled Hood was waking up. She mysteriously fainted after she shot the 3 guys. I don't blame her. She took a huge beating from Bismarck so maybe her fainting is related to that. I'm taking her to the hospital in my car.

"You're finally awake."

"Please... I don't want to die.."

"Excuse me?"

"I don't want to die... I'm not ready to die" she sobbed.

"You're not dying, No one can hurt you here anymore." I reassured her.

"I don't want to die... I don't want to die yet" She repeated, ignoring me.

She repeated that chant, and I don't even know what I can do to help, so I just let her be, until she asked,

"Where are we going?"


3rd pov, hood (same moment)

Hood woke up with a massive headache; Her movements felt very unnatural. It was all because that program was still running....

She's not ready to die. She's not ready to part with this realm just yet. However, it makes her blood boil every time she thinks of what happened at the docks. They just had to harass her, and now the self-destruction program is triggered because of them. Hood never likes to see other people suffer, but now she really wishes to curse those horndogs to the deepest levels of hell. A notification took all her anger away.

It said, 'Error: Rigging disconnected.'

It only meant one thing: The self destruction program is starting to dig deeper into her system, and the first one to be wiped is her rigging module.

She doesn't want to die. She's not ready to die. But once this program starts there's no stopping it.

Almost like the ticking of a clock, every second there's a new error message broadcasted internally. Millions of code flash by her eyes, the outer edges of her neural network starting to be frayed by this virus-like program.

She doesn't want to die. Not yet. She wished death could come quickly, if Bismarck had just finished her off instead of leaving her alive. Why did life give her hope, and then take it away in the cruelest way possible? She sobbed, hopeless facing this unstoppable force. [y] saved her once, but he sure as hell can't save her this time.

The more she thought about her time in the port, the more pointless it seemed to her.

There was nothing to return to anymore.



She had to put up a facade for the rest of the navy, because she had to set a role model. The other battleships didn't have such a hefty responsibility, yet they always seem to pressure her to keep herself in check. she's tired and depressed. She's often the scapegoat and the butt of of jokes. She still remembered that time Nelson said "That bloody old hag can't even wield light cruiser guns!" The battleships and aircraft carriers laughed at that remark, save for a few, but no one stood up for her. When she MVP's, they say she got lucky, but when others score an MVP, they call her out as an useless oil-chugging hag. All this, but why? She and their ex-admiral had mutual feelings. The others envied her.

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