party time (Max and Sam)

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Ship: Max Dressler and Samuel Andrews

Warnings: Mentions of inappropriate groping, kissing, fluff

Summary: Max goes to his first party.

Words: 1020

The music vibrated the bathroom walls as the party went on downstairs. Max stared at himself in the mirror trying to calm himself down; he never did well in crowds or when people he was not close with grope him publically. There was a sudden knock at the door startling Max.

"Uhm," Max struggled to find the words as his brain began to race 100 miles per minute. "Occupied?" He mentally cursed himself for being so awkward.

The door knob began to twist softly causing Max to go into panic mode, what part of occupied did this person not get? "Thought I would find you here, Dressler." Max calmed down once he saw Samuel peak through the door, "Whatcha doing here?" Sam decided to follow max upstairs after he saw said boy bolt out of the room.

"The truth," he sat down on the sink counter. "This is my first party, kind of overwhelming." He nervously laughed looking away from Samuel not wanting to see his reaction. The two have been best friends since birth; their mothers being besties and neighbors so they grew up together; they were basically brothers. But once high school hit, they drifted completely different ways. Max became top of his class, starred in multiple musicals, and has never dated meanwhile Sam has been varsity football captain since sophomore year, multiple sport scholarships, and a body count higher than his grades.

Sam looked shocked, "Really? You're a senior and this is your first party?" Max pouted crossing his arms. "Hey hey hey, Im not making fun of you," Sam smiled down at Max before joining him on the ground wrapping an arm around his shoulders. Max physically felt his soul leave his body once he felt Sam wrap his arms around him. To be honest, Max has had a crush on Sam since freshman year and those feelings never left him. That's when all his emotions hit him at once and he began to sob.

After a few minutes once Max calmed down, Sam unwrapped his arms and turned to face Max. "Now tell me why you are actually up here."

"I already told you, first party." Max's voice was a higher octave than usual and he began to pull on his hair which Sam gave him a look. "What?"

"Max, I know when you are lying," He grabbed Max's hands in his own. "Tell me what happened."

Max took a deep breath, "We were all downstairs and I was watching some people play some drinking game when all of a sudden I felt someone touch my lower back. I turned to see who it was but they grabbed my face turning it away so they could whisper something in my ear."

"What did they say?" Sam was on edge, he had a feeling he was not going to like what happened next.

"Well," Max swallowed before continuing. "He said "why don't we go upstairs, pretty boy and I will show you a fun time." And then his hand travelled down further groping me, I tried to back away but he held his body againist mine. I felt so violated, I eventually escaped running up here and that's when you found me." Sam couldn't believe what he was hearing, he was blinded with rage.

"Do you know who it was?" Sam's voice was quiet but harsh, almost scaring Max a little.

"Lucas." Max whispered

"Who was it?"

"Lucas Roberts." He was one of Sam's closest friends, they were both captains on the football team.

"That bastard! I am going to kill him." Sam shoot up heading for the door before being stopped by Max.

"No!" Max looked up at Sam with wide teary eyes. "I don't want to start anything or make things worse." Sam sighed before caving in. He turned around facing Max, they stood like that for what seemed like an eternity; just staring into each other's eyes. Then it was Max who made the first move jumping forward wrapping his arms around Sam's neck kissing him deeply. Sam was caught off guard but returned the favor.

They pulled away after a second breathing heavily, "wow." Was all Max could say.

"Wow is right." Sam smiled.

Max looked away once he the realization hit him. Sam noticed, questioning the sudden mood change. "I don't want be just another one of your meaningless hook ups." Max fessed up.

"Max Jon Dressler, I have loved you since our freshman year but I didn't know how to handle those emotions, especially liking a guy so I distracted myself with sports, girls, and booze in hopes the feelings would go away but they never did."

Max started to laugh, "You idiot." Was all he said before they shared a slow heated kiss. They pulled away before just staring into each other's eyes. Max yawned leaning into Sam's chest.

"Wanna leave this lame party?" Max nodded his head lightly against Sam's chest. "Where is your car?"


"You walked the twenty blocks just to come to this party in 48 degree weather?"


"Jeez what am I going to with you?" He laughed before giving the tired boy his varisty jacket; Max blushed before putting on the jacket. Sam smiled at Max, the jacket engulfed his body making him look even smaller, and he took Max's hand in his own as he led the two through the busy party towards the door.

"Andrews!" a slurred voice came up behind them, Lucas. "Where are you going? The party isn't over yet! Ohhhh and don't tell me this pretty little thing is leaving too. Just when I thought we had something special." He wrapped his arm around Max's waist causing Max to curl into himself, they were so close to the door.

"Hey Lucas."

"Yeah Andrews?" That's when a fist came flying into Lucas's face causing him to fall back with a bloody nose. Max stood there in shock and in awe. Everyone stood around looking at one another not knowing what to do.

Sam pulled on Max's hand, "come on let's go home." The two walked out, Sam's arm around Max's shoulders and they wouldn't want it any other way.

Hey guys I am back out of my depressive state and back in business. I am sorry for the long hiatus but I am back and ready to continue the book :) Please leave a comment or a vote on this and feel free to request anything, I am pretty open to anything. you can just comment or message me on here, either is good. plus now i have time to write considering there is no school.

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