jealousy looks good on you 2 (Jayton)

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Relationship: Payton and Josh 

Warnings: Heckin kinky, spanking, unholy 

Summary: Payton gets punished

Words: 571

Josh sat down on the stiff hotel bed with his legs spread slightly; he motioned Payton over. "Come here." His voice was low and raspy driving Payton insane.

Payton immediately ran over so fast that he almost fell. He looked at Josh through his thick eyelashes that Josh loves so much. His eyes almost had a feminine touch to them.

Josh glances down at his lap signaling Payton to lay across which he obeyed easily. Payton was sightly anxious for what was to come, they have never done this before; even Josh was nervous. Despite their nervousness, their lust took over.

"How many do you think you deserve?" Josh questioned (even though he already had a number in mind) while rubbing soothing circles on his backside.


"Really? Only ten?" Josh asked in an almost mocking tone. "Cause I think you deserve 10 for each incident." Payton's eyes widened but Josh could not see that.

"Uhm okay," Payton whispered, his excitement taking over. His body practically vibrated he was so excited; if he was telling the truth, he may have had multiple fantasies about this moment.

Josh lifted a shaky hand and bringing it down in a swift motion which brought out a low groan from Payton. "You gonna count these because I'm sure as hell not."

"Sorry, one," Payton's voice was already hoarse like he has been screaming for hours.

"One what?" Josh smacked his thigh as a warning.

"One sir," Payton said the title slowly testing out to see if that is what Josh would like and judging by the 'holy shit' he liked it.

Josh repeated the action again but harder, "Oh fuck, two sir," Payton was sure this was how he was going to come.

"Fifteen sir," Payton had tears building in his eyes threatening to fall.

"Stand up," Josh commanded to a now confused Payton. "Off." He jesters to the gray sweatpants.

Payton hesitated before pulling off his pants slowly in a teasing manner. Josh groaned before reaching over and ripped them off. "Don't tease," He said through clenched teeth.

Payton stood there for a couple seconds before feeling slightly bashful; he was naked from the waist down and Josh was still fully clothed.

Payton laid across Josh's lap again, "Last five are bare," Josh spoke in a calming voice. "Which means these ones might hurt a bit more." Payton modded his head which had a million thoughts racing.

Josh raised his hand slowly bringing it down swiftly, the sound made Josh wince wondering if he hurt the boy.

After a few seconds of worrying, Payton breathed out a "sixteen sir". Both we immediately turned on by this; Josh's dominance and Payton's voice.

Josh finished out the punishment which had Payton crying by the end of it; he was just so overwhelmed by all the new emotions (and maybe it did hurt a bit but he would never admit that).

"I'm sorry!" Payton wailed out after Josh was done. Josh picked Payton up and set him in his own lap stroking his hair while whispering sweet nothings.

"I know you didn't mean to, I just get jealous sometimes," Josh whispered the confession like he just admitted murder.

Payton smiled and sniffled a bit, "I love you."

"I love you too baby." Josh noticed Payton's eyes slipped closed so he laid him down tucking him in. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," Payton managed to mutter through his sleepy state. "Sir."
I am sorry about the short chapter! I hope you like it! Anyways leave a request if you want, have a good one!!! <3

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