carnival kiss (janthony)

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Relationship: Jaden Hossler and Anthony Reeves

Warnings: fluff, kissing, saying i love you

Summary: Anthony takes Jaden to the fair.

Words: 1,003

"Ant!' Jaden whined while leaning out the passenger door. "Come on!"

Anthony walked out the house laughing at his boyfriend's childish behavior, "Jaden, the fair will still be there, I promise." Once he sat down in the car, he leaned over pecking Jaden's check.

After 20 minutes of Jaden rambling on about the fair as Anthony smiled softly, they finally made it to their local fair. Jaden's eyes were wide as he looked at everything; the fair never changed, maybe a few new food venders, but the fair never failed to amaze him.

Anthony glanced down at his watch, "Well, what do-"

"Animals!" Jaden exclaimed running towards the barns filled with farm animals that would rather be anywhere except there. Anthony smiled as Jaden grabbed his hand dragging him through semi-crowded fair. They went on a Tuesday evening so they wouldn't have to deal with a big crowd, Jaden doesn't do well in big crowds.

Jaden let go of Anthony's hand as he neared the barn labeled 'Ponies' in old fashion writing. He ran up to the first stall before sneaking a suspicious glance around the barn before sticking his hand through the metal rods to pet the horse. "Anthony look!" Jaden exclaimed as the horse rubbed their head against his hand. "I think this means I like you in horse language."

"Jaden, you have never even owned a horse, how do you know?" Anthony quirked an eyebrow while looking at the brown horse.

"So! We are in love!" Jaden faked cried as he tried to hug the horse through the metal poles.

Anthony grinned wrapping his arm around his boyfriend's waist, "You have been watching way too many horse girl videos." Jaden gasped hitting Anthony across the arm. They walked to the next barn which held goats and Anthony lost his boyfriend again, except this time to a baby goat that laid by itself in a small enclosure.

Jaden kneeled down to somewhat level with the baby goat, "I'm gonna bust you out of here baby!" He sniffled before wiping the tear that fell. "Just you, me, and Anthony." Anthony walked over after seeing some of the other goats, and maybe messing with a few.

Anthony smiled fondly at the sight, Jaden crying while petting this random goat who looked confused. He sat down beside Jaden rubbing circles on his back.

"He don't deserve this! Look! All these other goats living bougie as hell!" Jaden cried before getting a determined look on his face which Anthony did not like at all. "You be watch out and I will grab the goat and run."

Jaden stood up reaching over the cheap fence that held the goat before Anthony finally intervened. He wrapped his arms around Jaden's waist pulling him away from the now startled goat. Jaden cried out protests such as 'he needs me' or 'think of the goat, Ant' as he was pulled away from the barns.

"That's enough animals for today." He laughed interlocking hands with Jaden. They walked to the much lit up portion of the fair with rides and games everywhere; carnies yelling out left and right for you to play their game.

"Hey," a deep voice called out from behind them making them jump slightly. "Why don't you win your pretty boy over here a teddy bear?" Despite Anthony's uneasy feeling about the guy, Jaden's puppy dog eyes won him over. They guy lead them over to the basketball hoops that seemed to raise over everyone handing Anthony the cheesy money basketball. He didn't even take a second to aim or anything, just shot the ball right into the net. Jaden's eyes widen, he was not expecting that at all.

The guy seemed shocked for a second, "Which one for the pretty boy?" Anthony made Jaden close his eyes so he wouldn't see which one he chooses. After a few seconds, he points to black teddy bear that holds a heart which says in cursive writing 'I love you'. He holds the bear out and tells Jaden to open his eyes. Once he opens his eyes, he breathes in quickly smile growing wider than ever before. He flings his arms around Anthony mumbling an 'I love you'.

The two rode many rides as the sun turned into the moon and the once blue sky is now black and full of stars. "Attention fair goers, the fair closes in 15 minutes" The old sound system rattled loudly throughout the fair.

The two made their way to the last ride, the Ferris wheel. "This is where we meet all those years ago." Anthony laughed as he remembered the first time. "You were wearing those ridiculous high-top shoes with a striped Acrombie Fetch shirt."

"Says the one who was wearing an 'I love boobies' bracelet!" he mocked as they step into carriage. They laughed softly to themselves thinking back to that day. "We shared our first kiss here too."

"You mean the day you stabbed my eye with snapback, Mr. Smooth!"

"I was in the moment."

The ride went around a few times before stopping right at the top, Jaden looked out at all the stars amazed while Anthony couldn't keep his eyes off him. Jaden looked back at Anthony blushing. They both leaned in closing their eyes, lips touching softly. Anthony's hand found its way into Jaden's hair as Jaden laid his hand on Anthony's thigh.

"Jaden Hossler," Anthony started after he pulled away for a second looking at the boy who held the teddy bear tight against his chest. "I love you more than words could even describe and it annoys me that you will never know how much I love, appreciate, and need you. You have truly changed me for the better."

They pulled away once oxygen was needed again, foreheads resting on each other. "Hey, love birds! Off my ride." They didn't even realize that the ride had stopped. Giggling, the
two made their way over to the mess of parked cars talking about nothing yet everything.


Hey I am sorry about the slow updates!!! I have been pretty busy and school starts soon (sob) but this was requested by @omggimsobored Hope I capture true baby energy!! Have a good one! (Also feel free to message me about anything, I love talking to you guys. Even you just want to rant about how much chase Hudson loves Noen Eubanks hmu!!)

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