Sam sighed and grumbled to himself. He quickly rubbed the side of his face and brushed away some hair out of frustration. Dean clung to the steering wheel with one hand, knuckles white. The two brothers sat in silence for a few uncomfortable moments before Sam turned back to me, my eyes quickly shifting between the two brothers.

"What do you think?"

I paused to gather my thoughts, mulling it over in my mind before looking back up at an expectant Sam.

"I think you should go."

"What?" Sam asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He sat back in his seat and scoffed. "Why?"

"It's not doing anything," she started, "so what's the harm in going? Worst case scenario, they feed off people too and you have to kill them. Best case scenario they don't cause any trouble, and you get to verify that." I looked at the rear view mirror to see Dean already watching me, a triumphant look plastered on his features.

"Great!" he said, his voice dripping with smugness. "Looks like we're going to Kentucky, after dropping you off."

"Or," I retorted, "you could just let me run back."

"There's no way you could run back in the time it takes us to drive you. We're like three and a half hours away."

"Why would I want to spend three more hours with you, when I can run it in five, maybe six?" Dean glared at her from the mirror, a smirk now resting on my features. He scowled, unamused.

"There's no way you can run that fast," he answered challengingly. I glared right back.

"Do you have any idea how fast wolves can run?"

"You're not a wolf."

"You're right. I'm better than a wolf."

Sam watched the whole display, a look of amusement on his features and all his previous frustrations gone. He knew I could run fast, but he didn't know the entirety of it.

The heated stares continued, only breaking it occasionally for Dean to look at the road again. The longer it continued, the more my smirk widened, watching him slowly crumble with curiosity. He growled in irritation before slowing the car down and angling towards the side of the road. I internally yipped with excitement and shot him a warm smile.

As soon as the car had come to a stop, I was out the door and making my way towards the trunk. I only brought a small backpack with me, all of my own weapons aside from a single knife and gun left at home. This one was tailored to fit to my back, even in my canine form.

Dean rolled down the driver-side window of the Impala and called out to me. I hurriedly grabbed my bag and stood beside the open window. "You know the way back to your place, right?" he asked, worry dancing in his eyes. I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Course I do. It's not far, and I know this road well. I'll follow it all the way back."

Sam leaned forward so I could see him from my place by the window. "Text us when you get there, OK?" He smiled warmly at me, not a hint of concern in his voice. My chest swelled with pride, knowing that he trusted me. Before Sam and Dean, and my new pack members, Dennis had been the only one to fully trust me. Not even my parents – though their distrust was for a good reason.

"Sure thing, Sammy!" I chirped elatedly, offering a little wave. Dean's brows furrowed more at the nickname and Sam chuckled, elbowing his brother jokingly. "I'll see you boys later!" I said cheerfully, swinging the bag onto my shoulders. And with that I was off, taking a few running steps before leaping into my fur. I launched forward into a dead sprint before my paws had scarcely touched the road. I turned and angled off the road, running just off to the side of it, cast in the shadows of the treelines.

I Don't Bite [Dean Winchester x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now