I grinned, handed him the torch, and gently pushed him into the hole. After I heard a grunt and a little but of shuffling, I hopped into the hole myself, making sure to cover the hole back up with the mat.

After crawling behind the Luminary for a little while in the cramped hole, we emerged into a dank, weird-smelling area. He jumped down and I followed suit quickly after.

"The sewers, huh?" I said, looking around. "Well, there must be a way out somewhere. Lead the way- I got your back."

He nodded, turned around, and began walking along the pathway. I followed behind him, my hand always lingering near my dagger. 

We walked for a bit along a path next to the sewer water when suddenly a voice shouted, "There they are! You lot- over here!"

I whirled around. There was a guard standing behind us, and two more guards were running towards us. 

"Da** it! We better make ourselves scarce," I said to the Luminary, gritting my teeth against our bad luck.

We turned back around and began running down the path, the guards following and shouting the whole way. We got to a bridge and skidded to a halt when we noticed another group of guards running towards us the way we were trying to go. I turned around, grimacing at the other guards behind us who were quickly closing in. We were trapped.

"These guys don't give up, do they?" I said.

The guards on both sides began inching closer to us. Suddenly, bricks began to fall from the bottom of the bridge and land in the river far below. The whole bridge began to crumble and shake, making us almost lose our balance.

"Seriously!?" I exclaimed, looking down. 

A guard stepped forwards, and the entire bridge fell apart. We fell down into the river far below us, the guards screaming the whole way.

I held my breath as I went under and quickly swam to the surface. I took a huge breath and frantically glanced around, looking for the Luminary.

He never told me his name, did he? What was I suppose to shout?

My head went under again and I popped back up sputtering and gasping for air. I noticed a body floating down the river and I swam against the current, finally reaching the body. 

It was the Luminary, all right. His long brown couldn't be mistaken for anyone else.

I hooked my arms around him and swam towards the shore. My head kept going under because, honestly, I wasn't that good of a swimmer. And the current was very strong; the small waves it was creating kept going over my head.

Finally, we made it to the shore and I dragged him until we were a good distance away from the river, then I laid the Luminary down and fell down next to him on the wet brick, utterly exhausted. I groaned and glanced over at the Luminary. 

His blue eyes slowly fluttered open and he glanced over at me before breaking out in a small coughing fit. I pushed myself to my feet and he started to get up, too.

"You okay?" I asked. "Looks like we shook the guards at least..."

He stood up with me, and we looked at the cave entrance before us. I glanced over at him. "And that looks like a way out. Maybe our luck's about to change."

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